Fit +5lbs!?

Anybody out there need a kick in the *kitten* for the new year? I managed to add on 10 completely unwanted pounds. I'm lucky enough to be able to shake this in a month, but have to pick up the cardio!!! Any other fit folks who managed to beat up their bodies over the holiday!? Ping me, and let's push each other.


  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    Two weeks ago I was 177, now after a holiday trip to my folks house, I'm 187. It happened so fast that I'm sure a good portion of it is just water retention but there's probably 3-5 lbs of real gain in there too.

    Time to get back to work.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    Same boat. That's the positive, guessing I'll drop 5 this week just by balancing and flushing my system...