Brazil Butt Lift results or reviews

I'm starting the Brazil Butt Lift workout today. Have you tried it? If so, what were your opinions and/or results?


  • Im positive it works . Take pictures then compare later.
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    I do the Brazilian Lift class at my gym and it's AWESOME! I totally feel it at the end and feel it for a few days after. I have only done it for a couple weeks (class is only once a week) but I am already feeling a bit of a difference. It's hard but so worth it. My trainer is also the one who teaches the class so she is helping me during my training sessions as well!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Thanks for your responses. Have either of you used the DVD set and followed the schedule they provide?
  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    Hello, I am on week two of the DVD set. I can already see improvements in my rear end and even my stomach. I can't follow the schedule exactly because of a spine injury which is requiring me to take 2 rest days a week as opposed to 1. Also, I am running 1 or 2 days a week instead of the Brazil Butt Lift workout. I think it is a good program, and I can't wait to see where my measurements are at in a month. But I'm most excited for how I'll look at the end of the program, because I am already having visible results which I know from many years of experience running alone will not give me. It will just take me longer to get to the end of the program. How have you liked it so far?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Wendy1FI I like it lot so far.

    It's funny you mentioned 1 vs 2 rest days. I was at work and wanted to see what last night's workout would be so I was searching the internet for BBL schedules. Every one I found had 2 rest days per week (I couldn't find the schedule on the Beachbody site). Many sites even had pictures of a schedule that came with the program and there were 2 rest days. But the schedule I have only has one. I assume it must have had 2 rest days per week in the past and for some reason they changed it.

    Personally, I think it was a bad change. I am taking tonight as a rest day because I'm simply so sore that I think I need it. Doing workouts that intense 6 days in a row may be okay if you are on week 5 or 6, but on week one I feel like I'd be risking injury. I'm even thinking of printing out one of the older schedules I found online and using it instead of the one provided.
  • lhassan509
    lhassan509 Posts: 2 Member
    I started week 3 of the pear shape program last week :) I've had my BBL set for about 2 years, and it does work! (When I'm consistent lol) I was SO sore starting again, and actually took the rest of week 1 off, and restarted the following Monday, I haven't been that sore since, thank goodness :)

    The program I'm following has 2 rest days the first week, but only 1 the remaining 3 :)

    Good luck!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am really loving BBL now that I've gotten the routines down (somewhat). I don't get sore after often, but I sure feel the burn while I'm doing it.

    One of the things I like best about it is that I can do some of the workouts on my lunch hour. This is huge for me because I hate giving up my evenings to exercise. I only do Bum Bum and Cardio Axe at home, and if those fall on the weekend I sometimes skip them for an outdoor workout if the weather cooperates.

    So, I'm not following the schedule exactly, but it has turned out to be exactly what I needed, which was a workout to keep me in shape over the winter.