Anyone needing to lose or have lost 100lbs+?

Hi everyone,

I have been on my journey since the start of 2014. Well, I've been yoyo dieting my entire life, but 2014 was the first year of any sort of marked success. I lost 64lbs in the first year, and I'm going for 96 in 2015.

I am hoping to find some people who have lost, or are trying to lose 100lbs+. I am open to others with different weight loss goals as well. Mainly, I just want to find supportive, active, motivating people to surround myself with on this road.


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    It sounds like you have done an awesome job so far, 64lb is a great success in its-self! Keep on with the awesome dedication that you obviously have and I know for a fact you will achieve your goal!

    All the best with your goals!

  • SeeNicholeShrink
    SeeNicholeShrink Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Adam, thanks! I don't think I could have done it without MFP!
  • inekestorms
    inekestorms Posts: 12 Member
    I need to lose 100lbs. Have been logging food for about a month and half but have no scale right now so not sure if it has been successful at all. I need to motivate activity wise, i have really slacked on that. Just have a very hard time motivating on my own.