Any beginner runners in San Francisco interested in participating in a 5k, 10k or half-marathon?

Hi all!

It's been my goal to run in a half-marathon but I'm just not at that level yet. In fact, I have never had the nerve to enter a race (5k, 10k, or half-marathon) on my own so have absolutely no experience with it. So, I was wondering, is there anyone living/working in San Francisco that is in the same (or similar) boat and is interested in training with me and/or entering a race?

I would prefer to jog after work or on weekends since I can't get my butt up early enough to jog before work. Right now, I can jog 1.5 miles in 15 minutes but tend to get winded after that and convert to walk/jogging at 1 minute intervals thereafter (or sometimes just walking thereafter if having a bad day). I'm trying to push myself further than what I've been doing. I joined a marathon group with some really nice people but everyone runs at a much faster pace than me for longer distances so I tend to only keep up with them for the first 1.5 miles and then will fall behind thereafter. I once lucked out and paired up with a runner who was "having a bad day" and jogged with him at a slow pace for the first 5 miles then fell behind and walked/jogged the remaining 4 on my own (9 miles total). In all honesty, I don't think I would have ever tried to jog 5 miles straight on my own and that's why I'm hoping for a partner.

Ideally, it would be nice to find someone at around my level so that we can grow together but I am also interested at just getting my feet wet too (in the racing scene) so would also love to meet people who walk/jog at a slower pace than me and don't mind someone tagging along at your race ( I will go at your pace at the race and, of course, pay my own entrance fees), people with tips on how to get better at running, or just people who want another MFP friend.

Please add me if interested!