Stay Inspired All Year Long!

I'm no one famous. I'm not rich. I'm not a fitness guru. I'm no nutritionist. I'm just a normal person. I struggle with making diet and exercise apart of my daily lifestyle.

After losing 70 lbs the old fashioned way, no diet pill or specialized fitness routine, I found many friends and family (even complete strangers) turning to me for my opinion or point of view on weight loss. I started a blog over a year ago and it seems to be helping many people, myself included. As much as I'd like for the blog to always and only be about health and wellness, I find that in order for me to truly express my day to day life obstacles with dieting and exercise I first need to explain how my life goes on a daily basis.

This blog is a no-fluff, straight to real life situations. Read it, follow it, and live the healthiest life you can! Happy New Year!
