Are you kidding me?!?!



  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    I think the point may have been missed by some, it wasn't that the dressing had fat, if that was my concern i would have selected a fat free dressing, it was the amount in relation to the size. I am all for good fats, but if I am consuming nearly 30% of a traditionally recommend value of fat, I would rather make that allotment on something more satisfying than a condiment!

    I just looked up the apple cider vinaigrette in the database. For 2 ounces (1/4 cup), it has 230 calories. That's actually pretty good. A standard serving of salad dressing is 1 ounce (2 tablespoons), so far that amount, it would be 115 calories. That's probably all I would put on a salad. The point I think a lot of people are making is that this particular salad dressing is pretty standard issue as far as vinaigrettes are concerned.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I agree, I have to log first or regret later. MFP walk of shame. It's safe to say that after this thread, you will also assume that vinaigrette has more calories than you wish it did. (I have tried eating just plain vinegar on salads. I know some can do it, but I am definitely not one of them. I need the oil.) But I agree that 240 calories for 1/4 a cup of dressing is not too bad. Remember the fat will help you get some of those fat soluble vitamins.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    on e packet of low fat basalmic vinegertte dressing at mcdonalds is 35 calories

    I will be sure to ask for that the next time I am at Chick fil a :)

    I read her response as trying to give you a little back up support because other places do have low cal dressing packets that are vinaigrette.
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    I love salad :) I never have it with cheese or dressing or croutons, because the veggies are the bit I like!