Keeping it real

48801 Posts: 41 Member
edited January 2015 in Getting Started
Would anyone be interested in starting a group, or joining a group for those of us that stuff our feelings by eating?

I am an emotional eater, some times I binge, and find out later that such and such was bothering me. I have no idea at the time.
I've stuffed (pardon the pun) feelings for umpteen years, from my first husband to now. I will no longer use a bandage to correct the problem of my eating, rather I want a cure, or recovery if you will

I thought of blogging, when I felt like over-eating, or stuffing myself, or how I felt when I ate the wrong foods, or far too much. My triggers etc.'

Keeping it real is my motto. For me, I have to be one hundred percent honest with myself, something this is easier when we know others understand and are supportive.

Interested? Were only as sick as our secrets.