Not new, but not really been here for a while

RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
Happy New Year!

I'm 52, fat and 400lbs.

Yes, I know fat and 400lbs is repetitive, but I consider it necessary clarification in a community where there are people with 20lbs to lose who feel hugely fat and people like me who need to lose a couple of hundred.

A couple of years back I lost almost 80lbs, kept it off for a few months and then slowly gained all but ten of it back. So I know exactly what I need to do to lose the weight, because to be quite honest, it wasn't all that hard to do back then.

Sounds silly, doesn't it? A fat woman saying how easy it was to lose weight, particularly when she has put what she lost back on again. But what I did when I lost was pretty straight forward, I did it, the pounds came off, I didn't do it... due to the spectacularly daft notions of 'deserving to treat myself' and 'large quantities of food that tastes good will make me feel (emotionally) better', and yes, I'm going to say it, just plain laziness... and back it came.

I'm not exactly a New Year's Resolutionist as I've been going on and off for months now and I think that will likely continue, but the off periods are getting shorter, and shorter, even though my tracking has been abominable, so it seems to be the right time to consciously take a better grip on some tools that helped me before.

Logging and posting here.

So, here I am.

I'm Rhonnda. I'm 52, married, no children, and live in Bermuda. I've got a couple of hundred pounds to lose, give or take. I believe that for me all things in moderation is the best way, but everyone has to find their own route to health and fitness. Sometimes I'm likely to post a lot, sometimes not so much. Anyone is welcome to friend me.