Son just left for boot camp and I promised myself if he can work out every day, so can I

Of course, MY working out is not even remotely going to resemble his (obviously), but if he can bust his *kitten* every day, I can move mine! When I commit to something, I commit - I've logged in to MFP every single day since I joined...more than 365 days ago. I don't care if all I can manage is a 20 minute walk some days, I'm going to MOVE every single day from today until we leave for his graduation on April 1st.

I did do a 20 minute walk outside today on my lunch hour in 21 degrees with steady 20 mile an hour wiinds and gusts up to 46 (the sun was bright though, and when the wind wasn't blowing it actually felt good to be in the fresh air), and then when I got home I had an AWESOME 60 minute workout on my NordicTrak (my favorite indoor exercise). Tomorrow I won't be able to do anything more than 30 minutes, and as long as the snow hasn't hit yet, it'll be a walk outside during my lunch hour again.

I don't have buckets of weight to lose, but losing weight for me can be really challenging sometimes because my body likes to give me grief (I have Fibromyalgia, arthritis, extremely minor rheumatoid arthritis [thankfully lol], and multiple spinal issues). But even with all the things going on, I'm still pretty active. Just some times more than others. In the year I've been on MFP I've only lost about 20 pounds. In a perfect world I'd love to lose 15-20 more. If I lose that I still won't be SKINNY, but I'll definitely be pretty thin, especially for me. And if it takes me another year to reach that goal, I'm okay with that.

I've "met" some awesome people here on MFP, and I'd love to meet more. I like to think that I offer my friends the same support that they offer me. I probably drive them crazy because I talk too much either on my feed or theirs lol If you can live with that, please feel free to send me a friend invite


  • Hey love the story. I am a former Marine and trying to get fit again. Do a ton of mountain climbers, push ups , steam engines. You will be getting a good part of his regimen lol