Exercise tracking & fit bit

dkuczaj Posts: 1 Member
I've looked around a bit but haven't found an answer. I've been using MFP for a long time successfully! I received a Fitbit for Christmas. It auto tracks my steps and adjusts my calorie allowance.

My question is... If I do an aerobics class (Zumba) it will track my "steps". But Zumba burns so many more calories than just "steps/walking". Do I also manually enter "Zumba / cardio" time of exercise along with the Fitbit auto calculation of calories?

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you,


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited January 2015
    When logging a workout, MFP and Fitbit will ask for a start time, and duration. This information is then used to overwrite whatever Fitbit tracked during the time of your workout. You can choose to log the workout here or on Fitbit. When I used Fitbit I preferred to log workouts of fitbit's site. My reason for this is because sometimes when MFP would talk to Fitbit, it would transfer the workout with the wrong time (usually midnight was the start time when it did this). I had it happen a few times and decided that logging workouts on Fitbit's site was just a safer bet. Fitbit won't send the indvidual workout logs to your exercise diary when you do this. So you only see the Fitbit Adjustment. However, your workouts logged on Fitbit are taken into account with this Adjustment.

    edit: I used a Fitbit from April 2013 to Dec 2014. Early Dec 2014, I switched to a Garmin VivoFit. Hoping my experience improves or I'm going back to Fitbit.