Looking for UK Pals!



  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    Hiya, Wales here! Lost 10 kilo, on last few now to get to goal weight. Feel free to add :smile:
  • RhiannonCreak
    RhiannonCreak Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, I'm Rhiannon, from Cardiff, I am pretty new to MFP but have dabbled in the past. Looking to tighten, tone and improve cardio fitness, feel free to add me as a chum and if any other Cardiff peeps are looking for a novice jogging buddy, I'm game.
  • lieajane
    lieajane Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in Lancashire and looking for pals.
    I love cardio and I'm learning to love strength ttaining too, but I also love junk food, so trying to eat better so I can keep the cardio up for longer.
    I estimate I've got about 30lb to lose but my end goal is 20 - 23% body fat and would love to complete a triathlon or two. ☺