Eating during emotional times...

Reign Posts: 87 Member
My husband has been out of town for 4 weeks now, and still has 2 more, before he comes home. I am to the point where I am missing him terribly and either do not have much of an appetite, or I have to stop myself from eating everything in sight. There are also times where I just do not want to work out.

Anyway, thanks to the support of this board and family (thanks mom & sis), I have been able to stay on track. So thanks to everyone who said "well done!" amd pushed me to keep going! Love this site!


  • wisdom71
    wisdom71 Posts: 7
    I luv the support and motivation from fellow MFPrs. will get through these final two weeks just fine.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I struggle with emotional eating as well. Good for you to be able to make it through. Hope your husband comes home safely to you.