Drinking too much water

So I know most people have more of an issue drinking their recommended amount of water per day, but what about drinking too much?

I know it's a lot harder said than done, but let me just ask you all's opinions.

I am 4'11", 119 pounds. I exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

I have gone from drinking 4 cups of water, to about 12-17 cups (from 32 oz, to between 96 and 136 oz of water now).

According to a site I found, to calculate how much water you should drink per day:

Take your weight: 119
Multiply by 2/3 (.67%) (they did not explain why)
And then add 12 oz of water to that, per every 30 minutes you work out.

That would put me at about 91 oz of water per day.

Now I'm not worried about drinking a little more (100 oz) but does 136 oz of water sound like too much for someone like me to drink?

Sorry for all the math!

(the website I got this from is: http://www.slenderkitchen.com/how-to-calculate-how-much-water-you-should-drink-a-day/#


  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Oh yeah, I did forget to mention I'm in Florida :3 But I'm inside for 95% of the day, so I'm not sure how that works out heh
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    based on this formula, I'm supposed to drink between 130-154oz per day depending on my workouts planned for the day. I drink a minimum of 150 every day just because I'm thirsty.

    I don't think there is any problem with drinking more than what that website says. Next time you are at the doctor, ask what your doc thinks about it. And like amyrebeccah suggested, keep the weather in mind, the more you sweat the more you need to hydrate!
  • huntermom281
    I was always told to drink your body weight divided in half, in ounces of water, plus 8 oz for every 15 min of exercise. That would put you at 71 oz a day??? I guess it depends on what formula you choose to use.

    I say clear pee by 3. And I usually have it if I stick to the formula above :)
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Although possible, it's not the easiest thing to overdose on water, especially if you're eating a balanced diet that contains sodium. (: Usually, the people who suffer from it are those who are extreme athletes (marathoners, triathletes, etc.) that are sweating out so much salt that there's not enough to counterbalance water intake. That's why sports drinks were created. :D
  • honeylissabee
    honeylissabee Posts: 217 Member
    I've heard that you should drink until you pee lemonade- basically your urine should be a pale yellow.

    And since some supplements can make your pee bright yellow, you should just be peeing neon lemonade at that point.