New and looking for buddies

Hi all
I'm new here, kind of! I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago but have sadly put 28 back on. So here I am, back to do it again! Could kick myself!!!!
I deleted my old account in a moment of madness and need some friends to help me on my journey and share ideas.
I'll put a profile photo on later today, but in the meantime...hello and thank you!
Jo x


  • I'm right there with you! Have an awesome day!
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Please feel free to add me if for no other reason than my name is also Jo. lol
  • bluelaceangel
    bluelaceangel Posts: 8 Member
    Hi... I am new here and looking forward to joining this community. I have battled my wieght for what seems a lifetime. I have been to more dietitians than I can count. It seemed like I could drop the pounds for awhile and all of a sudden it was back up.

    I developed what is commonly called fatty tumors and lymphedema. They both made life frustrating. It took finding a doctor willing see I was not a hopeless case to help me understand my size although an issue I must address would not change until we addressed the tumors and lymphedema.

    My first tumor was removed this June and weighed 45 pounds. The lymphedema is being addressed. A second tumor is to be removed in the next few months.

    My doctor is the one who just yesterday said it was time now to address my weight. He is the one who programmed this app onto my phone and has currently set it at my dropping a pound a week.

    So... Hello .. my name is Linda and I am listed as Bluelaceangel. I am looking to connect with others and be supportive.

    Life is never easy and taking on the challenge to drop pounds to improve our health can seem like an impossible task... together we can be each others support person.... another person who knows the struggles we face without judgement... someone to share recipes with ..

    Blessed be
  • Hi all, feel free to add me also. I have been logging for a few days and just now starting to look for some friends and support. My name is Christina, and I have battled weight my whole life. I've tried many times to get it under control and I'm finally starting to get some consistency. I started making healthier choices in September and have lost 33 pounds so far! I still have quite a bit to go, but I'm doing it slowly this time. I'd love to have some friends to do this journey with!