Fitbit adjustment adding calories consumed??

Over the last few days I have noticed when my fitbit syncs with myfitness pal, it seems to be adding these calories to what I have spent today, rather than subtracting. For example, today my goal calories are 2290. My breakfast was 360 calories, and I have had a 150 calorie snack. I have a fitbit adjustment of -323 calories, and I have had 100 calories for cardio.

If I subtract:
2290(total for the day)-360(breakfast)-150(snack)=1780(left for the day)

and then add the fitbit adjustment and cardio:
1780(left for the day)+323(fitbit adjustment)+100(cardio)=2203

so I should have 2203 calories left for the day.

My diary tells me I have 1557 remaining, as if it's subtracting the calories from my fitbit adjustment as if they were calories I have consumed and then adding the calories back from cardio (1780-323+100=1557)... Does this happen for everyone? I have used myfitness pal in the past on and off for weight loss, but never as seriously as I am now, and I don't remember this being the case then. Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks!

(I apologize for posting this in the getting started board... I attempted to post in technical support and the website stated I didn't have permission to post there... hopefully someone here can help, or someone can move this to a more appropriate board. Thanks!)


  • allykat_08
    allykat_08 Posts: 2 Member
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Not entirely sure I understand, but I'll give it a shot. What do you have your activity level set on here? It is possible Fitbit is subtracting calories if it's estimates of your burn are lower than what myfitnesspal is saying. There is a setting to allow negative calorie adjustments from Fitbit. Also, you might want to check your Fitbit settings. One setting will estimate your calories based on your averages and adjust up and down accordingly, and another starts off with low numbers then adds to it as you burn throughout the day.

    I have my settings here as sedentary, and Fitbit set to estimate, and throughout the day it will add calories as exercise here as I burn them. I also log all my exercise on the Fitbit site, none here. I log all my food on mfp. Hope this answers your question.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    MFP is the one that makes the adjustment, not fitbit. Fitbit gives MFP an estimate of what it thinks your daily calorie expenditure will be, MFP compares it to its calculations, and then adds or subtracts the difference accordingly.

    Activity should be entered into Fitbit, not MFP.

    If your activity levels are set differently on Fitbit and MFP, you will end up with a discrepency and hence an adjustment.

    You can turn off negative adjustments in your settings.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    yes, if it is showing -323 where it says fitbit adjustment, then you are getting NEGATIVE calories adjusted. Meaning you did NOT burn as many calories as fitbit says you normally would. so you LOSE those calories...