What made you decied to lose weight?



  • angelinhell
    angelinhell Posts: 56 Member
    Because I am too embarrassed by the way I look to go out in public more than I have to. I will not go on "nights out" because I feel like I'd be judged. I've let myself get way bigger than I am comfortable with and, although I don't want to be "skinny" I want to be healthy and happy whatever weight that may be at.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    edited January 2015
    I was always one of the biggest kids/girls/women around. I'm somewhat tall at 5'8" and weighed over 200 lb by age 16, and for my entire 20's I was around 260-270 lb. Despite that I didn't have any health problems and whether you wanna call it denial, living in a "fat" region, or whatever -- I truly felt okay with my weight & appearance.

    After turning 30, I got a new job that was much more stressful & serious. I started packing on weight, eating a lot more due to stress & dining out sometimes 3X day (more income than before). Instead of mochas from Starbucks being an occasional treat, they were a daily habit.

    I found myself at 307 lb (my heaviest) and HATING photos of myself that weren't carefully posed and face/shoulders only. I had some swelling in my ankles and started noticing some foot & leg pain when walking long distances. I went on a business trip with my boss and was embarrassed to be out of breath climbing stairs at the Amtrak station. Up to then I'd always kept up easily with women much smaller than me (even in athletic activities).

    I changed a lot that month and have not looked back, it's been a long road for me...a little over 6 years but I've lost almost 140 lb. Although it's wonderful to be smaller than I have been since age 13...honestly for me that first 40-50 lb was the most important by far and I'd consider myself a success even if that was all I lost.
  • Roxy_Arcane
    Roxy_Arcane Posts: 115 Member
    The mirror.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    The doctor checked my blood sugar and cholesterol levels and she showed me the numbers and said "Look, you can't just keep on being fat. It's going to kill you." So I made appts to see a nutritionist to learn how to keep the weight off for the long term while getting enough nutrients and filling foods. So now, in order to avoid diabetes and heart disease, I have to keep using these skills and working out to keep the fat off. Also I'll admit I was getting kind of tired of looking like a dadgum potato with boobs attached.
  • denise31992
    denise31992 Posts: 51 Member
    Feeling uncomfortable and just "wanting" to do it yet never actually doing anything.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    Summer 2012. 1) A rather horrible photo 2) A friend using MFP to lose 18kg 3) Encouragement from my better half to try it for myself!
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    I didn't really have an ah ha moment or anything that made me think- dayum I need to lost weight, had been struggling for years- 11 to be exact since I got prego with my first child, and the defining thing for me was that I had to realize I am worth it and deserve to treat myself well! And to love myself as much as I do others!!
  • DemetraDawn
    DemetraDawn Posts: 60 Member
    I have been struggling with my weight for a while, but I dressed up as Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea for a con here in Chicago, and experienced a lot of people judging me because I am curvier....which is ridiculous because that's a super buttoned up costume. (Direct quote for those who might understand Bioshock and Elizabeth: "Well, I guess in some universes Elizabeth must have an unhealthy relationship with food")

    While that's not a good reason because screw what other people think, it did really get me moving in the emotional aftermath...and since then, I've just kept moving.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Abby2205 wrote: »
    The shorts thing was silly, by the way.

    No, it's not. That's an great reason to start losing.

  • pink00007
    pink00007 Posts: 50 Member
    So many things.
    The mirror, photos, not fitting into any clothes, having to buy new clothes, not fitting into those clothes. Getting blood work done and being told to lower cholesterol levels.
    The list goes on.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    that deciding factor that made you want lose weight?

    I wanted to get laid.

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    edited January 2015
    Many things.

    1. Pictures. Like a lot of people, I didn't think I looked that bad. All of a sudden pictures get posted on Facebook and it blows you away.

    Here's an example of one of the really bad ones:

    2. Out of shape. I couldn't keep up with anyone without getting out of breath. I couldn't climb more than one flight of stairs at a time. Enough is enough.

    3. Clothes. My size 16's were getting ridiculously too tight. I refused to buy size 18. My ski pants wouldn't zip up anymore and I love to ski. It was a sad day.

    4. Age. I'm young, I know. But I got serious right before I turned 28. I wanted to lose the weight while I was still in my 20's and didn't want to have to regret my 20's for all of eternity. I wanted to be healthy and able to do all the fun stuff I dreamed of doing. Like surfing in Hawaii (which I did by the way).

    It took me a while to find the right path, it was almost two years between that picture and getting serious on MFP (it didn't help that I was in a deep depression at the time). I'd done weight watchers in the past and was completely jaded about any counting type program. I tried a few intuitive eating type programs and they didn't work. I decided that I wanted to feel better (again depression) and started running about 6 months before tracking my intake and still didn't lose weight (although my fitness improved). I finally said "eff it, I want to lose weight. I'm going to stick with what's tried and true" and started tracking my food. I'm not looking back.
  • otheliemoor
    otheliemoor Posts: 50 Member
    My...um...Periode. I had horrible cramping, and the bleeding was...excessive.
    Horrible details in 3...2...1: I would bleed out a pad in 15 minutes, and it did so for days.

    Someone told me that losing weight might make it better. And it has.
  • TabithaRyan68
    TabithaRyan68 Posts: 25 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. On top of it I also have a thyroid problem. The medications taken for the diseases causes weight gain. I refused to believe it but when I realized I was 165lbs and am only 5'4" I figured the weight was NOT helping the healthy. So just getting better so maybe the diseases don't grip so hard. I also refuse to develop the health issues that my parents and sister suffer from as they are all obese.

    I did some on my own, lost 10 lbs before joining myfitnesspal but kind of plateaued, needed help and couldn't afford to join any of the weight loss "clubs" so looked up free weight loss support groups and MFP popped up.

    Haven't looked back since.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member

    This picture of me taken in August 2014. Ugh, probably about 227 lbs. Didn't start seriously trying to lose weight until 2 months ago, now down to 216, still a long way to go, but feeling so much better and much more active.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I didn't really ever have one. I was the heaviest I had ever been and had just booked a trip to San Francisco for my upcoming 41st birthday and suddenly panicked that I wouldn't be able to comfortably walk around the city on my vacation and would be miserable. So, in order to enjoy my vacation, I decided to start walking every day on my lunch hour to at least build up my stamina a little bit. I had 3 months to work on it before leaving. I started walking and had been walking every day for about a week when I decided that since I was walking, I might as well try tracking my food as well and just see where I could get in 3 months. I had no goals in mind and really no intention of making this a new lifestyle beyond the vacation. By the time I left for my vacation, I had lost 25 pounds and was feeling pretty proud of myself. I went on vacation and lost another 3 pounds while on gone because of all the walking and decided that maybe it wasn't so hard to lose weight and maybe I should just keep right on going... That was 2 1/2 years and 88 pounds ago and I'm still at it with no intention of ever going back! I have learned that it is not always easy like in the beginning and weight loss gets reeeeeaaallly slow as you get close to goal, but as long as the number on the scale continues to go down, no matter how slowly, it's all good. I have also learned that you have to eat to lose like you are willing to eat for the rest of your life. You can't give up favorites or you'll never last. In fact, I haven't given up a single thing. I just eat some of those things (pizza, French fries, decadent desserts) much less often and plan for them instead of mindlessly grabbing them. Food tastes sooooo much better now! I have more fun cooking and I cook far more decadent things now than ever (I even won our office's dessert competition at the holiday luncheon!). The difference is that now I know exactly how many calories a single serving is and I only eat 1 serving and share or give away the rest. I still eat out at restaurants, I just take a look at the menu before hand and pre-plan what I will be eating.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    I was at my highest weight and hated having my picture taking. The turning point was seeing pictures of me and my son on Halloween - he was Scooby Doo and I was Velma. We looked so cute in our costumes, but I looked so heavy. I wanted to post them on Facebook, but was so embarrassed. So, I posted one picture and vowed that by next Halloween, I would dress up with him again and now be embarrassed or ashamed of how I looked.

    Most of the pictures I have of my kids, they are alone or with my husband. I didn't want to look back on their childhood and not have any photos of us together.
  • Ja_ja_jakeya
    Ja_ja_jakeya Posts: 88 Member
    I was pulling up my jeans and it took far too much jumping and stretching!! I jumped on the scale and I had gained almost 20lbs. I was blown away and that was my breaking point.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I turned 46 this year... I actually gained some weight pretty quickly and I did not want to keep gaining. So I started exercising and logging my calories. The calorie logging was supposed to be for a week or two until I could see why I was gaining.. But I kept logging because it kept me mindful and aware.

    I am thankful that I was able to get the weight gain to stop and I found out what my relationship was to food.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    For me, the final straw was an upcoming high school reunion! Sounds silly because I have quite a few prior warnings from my physical exams but I did nothing. I guess it gave me a timeline. Before that, I can always say, I'll do it some day.

    Here are some other factors for me:
    1. A skinny friend told me "you think I am born thin? No, I worked very hard to look like this!" - I am not born fat, just I didn't do anything about it.
    2. Another friend lost a ton of weight - it seems possible
    3. My A1C was high, considered pre-diabetic if it is in the same range after 6 months - my grandpa was diabetic and live with medications before he passed away. So, do I want to take medicine for the rest of my life or exercise regularly for the rest of my life.
    4. A parent of my kid's friend is training to teach pilate and offered free lessons. No money excuse!

    I only lost 6 pounds by the time of the reunion but my blood work all turned good. I lost another ~20 lbs afterwards. I am now at my goal weight. But I am still working on getting rid of more fat that sits at my belly and thighs. With all the stories here on MFP, it just seems doable. I can no longer stay in denial, thinking that this is how a mother of 3, 40+ years old woman look.