kids off + summer fun = the devil has snacks for idle times

:devil: Hi, I'm pretty new here. Just looking for fellow friends who have similar lifestyle and challenges of having the kiddos around. I also run a business out of my home, so the combo of having the kids around,more and the meal prep, snacks, and stress eating over work with kiddos under the feet....well anyway, if you would like to be my friend, that would be great!! You know how they ask for food and snacks more when they're bored. Looking for some new friends. So far I've met the nicest people here, and I am so grateful for the encouragement and accountability.

(disclaimer: I don't have any extra money to buy shakes and dvd's hint-hint LOL)


  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    Hi! I'm Heather, 32, with 3 girls at home (7,8 and 10... soon to be 8,9 and 11 next month). Feel free to add me! I love new people <3
  • Aletaz
    Aletaz Posts: 9
    Me, too! Work at home and am not sure what I'll do with my two all summer! Starts next week. Camp is super expensive, too!!