do calorie burn really slow down at rest when leptin is low and your body thinks its starving?

Like what i 'm saying is you know over a period a time if you keep cutting your calories so low say to 800 oour leptin and metabolism decrease and adapt so low and quickly no matter what weight and size we are that's why we plateau early a lot of times even when we're not as lean as ripped to the bone or our abs show. But what im asking is I know I learned in nutrition that when your metabolism adapt to a starvation diet due to low leptin. People say that your body slows down weight loss to conserve so they say that at rest your only burning 1 calorie per minute even if you try to force yourself in a deficit it won't work because your body feel that its in some type of famine or homeostasis. I guess because since your body is not burning enough calories at rest you may think your in a 800 deficit but now that your body is burning slower supposedly you could have consumed up to 2000 calories because of that. Also they say working out makes it worst because now that your leptin is low.. Let's say you jump rope for 15 minutes or a hour and usually between that 15 min and hr you burn 500 calories doing jump rope now that your body leptin is low you might have only burned 100 calories because your body is supposedly fighting you back and your body puts itself in pain on purpose or make you feel lerthargy and unmotivated just to make you stop working out early or stop period. Also we all know you get uncontrollable food cravings. But now here is the real question do we gain the weight back due to our body supposedly burning less calories? Or is it the fact that the uncontrollable cravings keep making us eat thus wiping the deficits and keep making us eat into constant surplus? Is any of this stuff I just said real or bro science?
