I'm so new to this that it hurts!!



  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    I often wonder if many fail because they do the exercise and "all" healthy eating at the start. Slowly work your way into this. Allow yourself a few things. I have a bag of Halloween chips or cheesies everyday...100 calories! I use to eat a huge bag, so this is a huge change. I started working out for a couple weeks before even thinking on cutting down on the calories as well.
    I am at 44 pounds down so far, so that was what worked for me and I totally agree with you on the "Mom was right" as I always use to eat whatever I wanted. Not so much now :)
    Best of luck and please remember, if you have a bad day, don't quit. Everyday is a new one. We all have a bad day once and awhile!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I am 46 and I think your mind just starts working differently as you get older. You learn new things, work better, more efficiently (look for smarter and not harder ways to do things).

    And to mimic others comments on "bad foods". If it is not meant to be eaten, why cook it or prepare it. I think everyone should enjoy something they love every day.

    To eat healthier is a mindset and a life style change. But a person has to enjoy the things that they like.. otherwise it too difficult to maintain. We are human after all.. I did not grow up eating seeds and grass so I am not going to eat like that... LOL

    Some do drastic changes to "eat clean". I like to add healthy but also things I enjoy daily to keep it real.

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Hello, I have been on mfp for about 15 months, lost 34lbs but still have a long way to go.

    Anyone is welcome to friend me but the following are MUSTS for me.
    1. You log onto mfp regularly
    2. You comment on post and not just use the like button.
    3. The support is two way and you give support to me in return for the support I give to you.

    I do delete those that do not support and comment as I want to be a supportive friend on this journey.
    Good Luck to you all.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    emca85 wrote: »
    I'm on day 2 of healthy eating and exercise and I'm already having serious cravings for BAD food. This is my first ever time of dieting and I really don't know how you guys do it. I'm nearing..... Ahem....30 and my mom was right. "When you are 30 it'll hit you". Will it get easier??

    yes it will get easier. just dont give up. Keep going or you will find yourself right back here January 2016 saying "this is my year I will change". make 2015 the year! no exceptions.

    I started Jan 2014, and I struggled until April to get in a good routine and better eating habits. It takes time. You might need to start over numerous times before you finally get it. Dont worry, it happens to all of us. Dont give up..good luck
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    it's only gets easier if you work harder and make it consistent. then it is the new normal.

    if you are always dreading it, dragging your feet and looking for excuses, it will get harder and harder until you quit :(

    keep going!!!!
  • txteachermom
    txteachermom Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 29 and extremely overweight. I was 322 when I started this journey. So I understand.

    First of all, as others have said, make sure that your MFP goals are realistic. Don't set it to 2 pounds a week, or in all likelihood you will be starving. Try 1 pound a week. Remember, you put the weight on slowly, and it will come off slowly.

    Second, there is no such thing as a "bad" food. Weight loss is all about calories in, calories out. If you eat at a caloric deficit, which MFP is already set up for you to do, you WILL lose weight, no matter what you eat. I regularly eat chocolate, cookies, etc, and I'm losing. My diary is open and you're welcome to look at it.

    Third, find a good exercise routine that works for you. For me, that is 10,000 steps a day, tracked with my FitBit. I've recently found myself increasing that goal and I'm having fun doing it.

    Fourth, log in here every single day. It keeps track of your streak. I find myself looking forward to my 30th consecutive day, 40th, etc. I don't allow myself to skip a day because it will break the streak.

    Lastly, make some friends on here, and allow them to keep you motivated. Having friends on MFP is extremely beneficial. Seeing their workouts logged reminds me to do mine, and keeps me motivated to beat them. Seeing their food diaries gives me new ideas for meals. When I need extra motivation, they give it to me.
  • emca85
    emca85 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank to very much. Your reply was very helpful. Reading others food diaries is a great idea for new foods. I don't want to be stuck eating he same thing week in week out. Many thanks