Exclusively breastfeeding Mommy's?

Hi are there any breastfeeding mama's here? If so how many calories are you eating a day? I'm an ebf mommy looking to lose some baby weight and some extra that I had before baby


  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    I set my activity to sedentary, which puts me at 1200 calories per day (I am 5'4", 131 lbs atm). Then I add in any exercise calories from my Fitbit, which can range from 100 on a super lazy day to 700 on a great day. I also add breastfeeding in to every breakfast, which gives me 500 calories more. So my absolute floor is roughly 1800 but can range up to 2400. Before I derailed myself with holiday eating, I was losing 1 pound a week on average. I expect that rate of loss to continue once I shed the holiday water weight.
  • SuzEB2014
    Hi MaryJD2014 - I'm a year or so past breastfeeding (exclusively), so I don't remember my calorie intake, but just a word of caution... when I did limit my intake 'too much' (can't recall what that was), I saw a significant decrease in my milk production. So honestly, I just ate when I was hungry, and tried desperately to focus on making whatever I did eat, healthy (although I certainly didn't stick to that all the time :smile: ). For me, the focus became maintaining milk supply, and weight loss was secondary - but still happened.

    Best of luck to you, enjoy this time! (and don't let anyone tell you it's always easy... sometimes it is really, really hard!)
  • Mary407
    Mary407 Posts: 635 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello! I exclusively breast fed our two daughters for six and seven months, respectively, and was in a breast feeding moms group on MFP when feeding our second. I can't figure out how to search for group names (as opposed to titles of discussion threads), so I can't find it and send you a link. Sorry :( Maybe you can find it or someone else can point you in that direction. There were lots of really kind and helpful people on there who were right there is the same situation as you.
    Best wishes to you!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Therres food diary entries or exercise entries for breastfeeding, i forget which. If i recall correctly youvallow an extra 300 cals per day easily added to your food diary as a quick add with a minus sign in front of,the 300 for a negative value.
  • MrsParishh
    MrsParishh Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there, I'm doing the same thing- I did a quick search on webmd, and according to the article I read a EBF mom shouldn't go below 1500 and the lowest or else it could decrease your milk supply- or worse, release toxins into your milk supply, it also goes on to say that the average is 1500-1800, with the average person at the higher end of that scale.

    It also says that a person burns between 400-800 calories in a 24 hour period, if your EBFing.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • MaryJI2015
    MaryJI2015 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks ladies im stuck in between 1700-2000 calories daily my tdee is 2076
    Minus 20% is 1660 but if I add 300 for bf I'm at 1960 and if I add 500 I'm at 2160
    So confused