Looking for MFP friends to support me!

melm413 Posts: 31 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! So, I'm starting fresh in 2015. In 2013 I lost a total of 13lbs doing Insanity and logging my food with MFP. I have now gained back 10lbs over time. I always struggle because the foods I love to eat are the ones that are the worst for me. I also tend to be a couch potato during the week days which doesn't help. I'm looking for MFP friends who log/post often and even better if you are an Insanity users. Add me!


  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome back! I'm about to start p90x! I would welcome more friends. I have about 15 lbs to lose.
  • jessicabentleyy
    jessicabentleyy Posts: 1 Member
    Aw good luck! I'm back after being naughty for months :)
    I'm set to lose a stone at least! Keeping my fitspirations in mind!
    Having a tough time cutting out pizza and white bread! Any ideas of things I switch out for them? Xox
  • brooksbarrick
    brooksbarrick Posts: 6 Member
    Exercise alone will not reduce weight. You have to eat properly as well. The real key is to stay the task. Make yourself accountable which will make you responsible. Good luck--YOU can do it!
  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    I am back to mfp after an extended break....originally lost 30 lbs with healthy eating and exercise. ...then life got in the way amd I gained about half the lbs back :( I have learned that I cant maintain without mfp as it keeps me accountable! Add me if u would like some more friends! I log everything and have an open diary
  • pcchrissy1
    pcchrissy1 Posts: 4 Member
    Your insane doing insanity lol can't get past fitness test. But then I'm rubbish doing things by myself..