Vegan hoping to take charge!

Hello all! I'm a 19 year old vegan from Seattle. I've struggled with anorexia in the past, but now, two years into recovery (!) this month, I'm ready to take better control of my diet, after eating basically whatever I wanted as a vegan for the last few years.

I'm at or under 130, a little over 5'4-- I haven't weighed myself in a long time, but that's what I'd guess-- and feel my best around 115, or I have in the past.. I'm currently (going by MFP's suggestion) eating 1200 calories a day and working up to working out regularly. I wear my weight well, but I want to feel my best every day and I believe reworking my diet will help me with that enormously.

I'm excited to be a part of your community. :) so Hello!!


  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Feeling great and eating for health are fantastic goals, but I think you should really consider whether setting a weight goal is going to increase your risk of ED relapse.

    I don't know you, but I'm kind of a busybody so I hope you won't mind if I suggest that you focus on meeting your nutritional needs and finding the foods and exercise that make you feel strong, energetic, and generally "well", and not focus on the number on the scale.

    I'm vegetarian and in the final stages of transitioning to fully vegan. Lately I've been eating a lot more whole fruits and vegetables and less added sugars and fats, and making sure to meet or exceed my protein, fat and micronutrient needs every day. I feel an amazing difference in my mood, energy levels, and the way I feel about my body. I had planned to try to lose 15 pounds, but I can honestly say I don't really care much anymore whether I do or not.

    Good luck to you; hope I wasn't too pushy