

  • MissMalinSara
    MissMalinSara Posts: 137
    I just wanted to point out that your metabolism was never damaged. All you did was move enough to account for how much you wanted to eat.


    Watch this.
  • pilarter
    pilarter Posts: 49
    I am realizing these days that I have been living on very little calories for years. 2 years ago I lost 18 kg in 4 months on Dukan diet, sure I lost very quickly when only proteins, slowlier but not slow when on proteins and veggies, but I reached a point when I was losing weight without control even eating carbs and little fat: I didn´t know then that I was losing lean body mass, and I had never measured my %BF by then. I kept my usual workout activity which was backhorse riding.
    I guess I became a skinny fat woman!
    I worked hard on putting some 4 kg when I noticed I was not as strong as I used to be. It was not easy, though, as my stomach rejected any carb or fat food. And it was right for a few months, but then my daughter had a broken leg and I quitted all sports activity for 4 months and stayed at home with her when I was not at my sedentary work. I put 6 kg during this time. And 2 more kg when trying to quit smoking.
    So from 79 to 61, then to 65, ok, then to 71, finally up to 73.5. I am 170 cm tall (5´6´´)
    So I went back to dukan diet and started to walk, and started to lose weight again, but I was hungry all day long 8not as first time). I swithched to a low calorie diet, but better balanced than dukan´s. I was still losing, better nurtured but still hungry. And I started to smoke again!
    I promised myself to quit smoking again when I reach down to 65 kg, so I don´t fear to gain some weight. But in March I stalled at 67 kg, and there I was by the end of April. This was not working any more. I measured my body fat % for the first time in my life, and I was at 34%. BMI was right, 23.7, but I was fat!
    I had been reading here about eating at TDEE-20%, but that meant eating a lot more than I was eating until then, I was not sure. But low cal diet was not working, so I had nothing to lose but some few weeks.
    I got me a Fitbit Zip and prayed for success, not being very confident. I had read that I may gain some weight until my body adjusted, and for goodness sake, I gained 2kg in 2 1/2 weeks! I was completely discouraged, I thought that this was all a big mistake.
    I had bought some resistance elastic bands at Decathlon and that was all the light weight "lifting" I was ready to do. And it worked for me, meaning that I was getting stronger.
    But suddenly all my body changed. I started to lose weight very quicky, I started to look leaner in a daily basis, I lost those 2 kg I gained during the first weeks of may, and 800 g more. in just a week and a half. I walk and run quicker and longer, I am stronger, I look leaner and I am starting to feel that I may be nicely ripped for the first time in my 43 years life.
    I eat a lot more, I am never hungry any more. Some days I find hard to eat the much I should, I simplily would get a tummy ache if I eat more.
    %BF down to 26.1%
    I am not fat any more.
    Eating at -20% TDEE and lifting, even light, works well.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I just wanted to point out that your metabolism was never damaged. All you did was move enough to account for how much you wanted to eat.


    Watch this.

    You mean that video of the good doctor Layne? Very respectable man and I respect him even more for acknowledging that what he was about to say is not based on science. What he saw wasn't even based on first hand experience. He was referencing people that he talked to in the industry, people striving for showroom bodyfat percentage. What he observed second hand is most likely due to over-training muscle catabolism, not a destruction of one's ability to perform any known cell respiration process..
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Clean is NOT normal eating in this day and age. LOL 4% for a woman is it? :huh:

    It is HEALTHY.

    Ok I'll have a 200 calorie snickers for lunch instead of 200 calories worth of chicken and veg.

    That's a strawman argument.
    I'm not telling you to skip a healthy lunch but a snickers every once in a while wont kill you and might make adherence easier.

    Eating variety is healthy. Eating purely "clean" (whatever you want to include in that) has not been shown to be healthier than infrequent indulgences.

    Edit: duh. You'll learn.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Trust you to post this after I've just had a crazy carb binge.....bread, processed sugary cereals.....urgh....!!!! don't judge me lol!!!!!!

    Wow I thought you have wasted away being 4% body fat...but realised nope....your still here.....typo

    Keep up the hard work girl, determination and willpower is key,,..have fun in Ibiza.....I'm there in I have 4 months to drop my body fat too....!!!

  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member

    I just finished watching the second video and thought it was much more interesting than the first one. Glad that he back tracked on the name "Metabolic Damage" and called it "Metabolic Adaptation". He has an interesting theory and I hope the scientific test he plans to do will yield something useful.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Clean is NOT normal eating in this day and age. LOL 4% for a woman is it? :huh:

    It is HEALTHY.

    Ok I'll have a 200 calorie snickers for lunch instead of 200 calories worth of chicken and veg.


    I'm with you on metabolic damage and LN, but a\re you saying that you eat 200 calorie lunches? If it was me I'd eat the 200 calorie snickers bar and several hundred calories in chicken and veggies, along with some milk and maybe an avocado. Hell, I broke my fast today with a Krispy Kreme donut while making my afternoon omelet.
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    200 calories for a lunch? :O And, your metabolism is not "damaged", it's most likely just slowed down somewhat... No reason why you can't burn calories as easily as before! And while I am into healthier eating habits, there has been no reason why I can't enjoy a snickers, eat healthy, and still lose weight... If I'm really that overwhelmed with eating the snickers(or cake in this example), I would just do this:


    Plus, it gets rid of extra stress/anger...
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Eating clean is boring.
  • daisyboo84
    daisyboo84 Posts: 37
    I agree with you. I am glad someone else has said this. I feel like after losing about a stone last year, I am now heavier than I have ever been and struggling daily to get down to what used to be my easy comfortable weight. Everyones different, you may say it's not possible, but i'm pretty sure I messed something up!!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Eating clean is boring.

    Totally agree. I did it. No need for it, the odd treat makes life fun.
  • PopsGils
    PopsGils Posts: 68 Member
    I am in a similar position to you, a few years ago i lost 20kgs from 70 - 50 by not really eating after a break up, maintained 50kgs for a year or two hardly eating at all - really less than 500 cals a day. Started eating around 100 cals and in 6 months gained back 15kgs. Now i eat between 800 - 1200 cals a day and it took me the last 6 months to lose 2kgs, less than a pound a month on about 100 cals a day. Had my RMR tested and it said I burn 1360 cals a day at REST so somethings not quite right with my body. At a loss, dont know what to do fed up of starving but still being big-ish at 5 foot 5.
  • ievHB1994
    ievHB1994 Posts: 4
    Haha :p I just posted the same video!! We probably follow the same fitspo-girl on instagram or something like that ;)
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Eating clean is boring.

    Totally agree. I did it. No need for it, the odd treat makes life fun.

    This is how I feel. I like to think of my diet as 70% clean with 30% wiggle room for the stuff I enjoy in life that I wont give up.