eating problems

i have been eating at mfp's recommendation for the 1 lb/week weight loss for the past year, expecting to drop 10 lbs in 2.5 months then maintain. instead, i had an up and down weight gain cycle that ended up in me losing only 4 lbs total in the past year. if i eat any more than my 1lb weight loss recommendation, i gain weight- so i can't eat my MFP and bmr recommended maintenance calories for my current body weight! what does this mean and what can i do?


  • Inthis4me
    Inthis4me Posts: 3
    I would eat 300 under your RMR and see if that works. If what your doing is not working change it. How is your protein in your diet???
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would eat 300 under your RMR and see if that works. If what your doing is not working change it. How is your protein in your diet???

    Stupid advice is stupid.

    To the Op, have you been measuring and weighing your food accurately, and logging absolutely everything?
    What is your calorie goal? Have you been eating at a low calorie level for a long period of time, because if so, this can stall you out.