21 Day Fix and Friends :)



  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    I have a group on Facebook starting the 21 day fix program Monday. I'm excited. I have several friends who have had awesome results. Please feel free to add me.
  • laughlove13
    laughlove13 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay, for those who have done this before. How do I figure out what containers to count if I am making any kind of recipe?
  • To everyone on here I'm new as well just downloaded this today. Started my 21 day fix yesterday. I'm going to add a bunch of you of you don't mind. To keep me motivated and on track. I will be a buddy to anyone as well. I always have trouble sticking with it and this one seems good. I enjoyed the first day but am sore.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's for lazy people that don't want to do the hard work themselves

    I think 21 Day Fix would be great for those who are very insecure about what to eat and how much. I don't think using just MFP is hard work; it's fun to plan my meals myself from scratch, and I like that it's so flexible. But we're all different and need different approaches.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Okay, for those who have done this before. How do I figure out what containers to count if I am making any kind of recipe?

    When you're putting the ingredients in, take not of how many containers you're putting in. Then when you're portioning it into servings, you divide by that amount! :-)
  • laurabell86
    laurabell86 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm starting Monday too! Feel free to add me!
  • AbbyY77
    AbbyY77 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello!! I started the 21 day fix on Monday and have already lost 4.2 pounds!! I love this program, and the workouts are so doable but still so challenging. I am not a beach body coach nor do I drink shakeology, but I strongly recommend this program to anyone who has troubles with portions. Please add me for support!
  • AmandalynnRyan
    AmandalynnRyan Posts: 6 Member
    I just started today, So day 1 down for me. I love it. I dont think it is for lazy people. I think it is for people looking for a place to start while they learn about fitness and keeping fit.

    Good Luck everyone. I need some help and motivation as well so i would love it if any or all of you added me as well.
  • laughlove13
    laughlove13 Posts: 15 Member
    It's for lazy people that don't want to do the hard work themselves

    I think 21 Day Fix would be great for those who are very insecure about what to eat and how much. I don't think using just MFP is hard work; it's fun to plan my meals myself from scratch, and I like that it's so flexible. But we're all different and need different approaches.

    You are entitled to your opinion. However, I'll have you know that I spend a few hours researching the best recipes and then shopping for the food. Spent another couple hours preparing 2 meals for the week and portioning out my meals for next few day. Tomorrow I'll start completing the workouts. I'm not even done for the week, to me this doesn't qualify as "lazy"

    I'll learn good habits and work my butt off and when I'm a little more in shape I'll work out for more than just the 30 minutes required by the program. When I get results I'll post some pictures for you to check out. Then see if you think this is a "lazy" program :smile:
  • laughlove13
    laughlove13 Posts: 15 Member
    By the way, good luck to everyone starting tomorrow and to everyone that already started, stay strong! We got this :)
  • PackerRob
    PackerRob Posts: 8 Member
    I just ordered the program yesterday so should stat by end of week. I wish I knew I could have just ordered the containers and meal plan as I do plenty of exercise including weight training with a personal trainer. Food is my issue ! Please add me pto group
  • ms_minnie
    ms_minnie Posts: 2 Member
    I just started today!
  • keishac
    keishac Posts: 12 Member
    I started the 21 day fix today! Was planning on starting last monday the 5th with my facebook group, but I was too sick last week to do much of anything! I am on track today and very excited! Feel free to add me! The more people I have holding me accountable the better!!!!!
  • BleuLotus16
    BleuLotus16 Posts: 11 Member
    I just started today, So day 1 down for me. I love it. I dont think it is for lazy people. I think it is for people looking for a place to start while they learn about fitness and keeping fit.

    Good Luck everyone. I need some help and motivation as well so i would love it if any or all of you added me as well.

  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    Started this last Monday. Would love to have others doing it with me. Also to help with food ideas. Please add me!
  • cpcolombia
    cpcolombia Posts: 7 Member
    I actually started the Daniel fast today also lasts 21 days and would love the support...add me in
  • defalise
    defalise Posts: 4 Member
    I started the 21 day fix on the 5th. You are welcome to add me if you like. I lost 4.8 pounds that first week-weigh in was today. I know I won't lose that much in future weeks since much of that was water weight from cutting out processed foods that are full of sodium, but it sure is motivating. The last time I tried it, I gained 4 pounds and was so depressed, I quit, but it was probably water weight from pms. So don't get discouraged and stop like I did.
    Also, don't pay any mind to the lazy comment. That woman obviously has issues which cause her to be unsupportive and negative. Good luck, LL!
  • laurabell86
    laurabell86 Posts: 23 Member
    Did anyone else find day 1 really hard?! Cus I did!
  • skhughey
    skhughey Posts: 5 Member
    Starting today, feel free to add me. I'd love the support and accountability as well!

    A question for those who have already done it or are doing it now, how do you log these workouts? I have no heartrate monitor (this is what others have suggested).

  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    My kit comes today! I'm very excited. Feel free to add me. Also, I created a group for those who want to come in and share ideas and support. :)http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/102118-fun-with-21-day-fix