Stop soda craving?

Dr pepper is my weakness! I need to at least cut down dramatically or stop all together. My goal is try one every other week. My question is how do you stop your soda cravings? Please I'm desperate for help.


  • Diet coke (similar to dr. pepper) is my weakness but what I have been doing is replacing my cravings with ginger ale or sprite. I know soda is soda but for some reason when I consume this type of soda, I feel full more quickly when eating food. I often can only finish half of a can.

    Another suggestion could be to replace your soda craving for apple juice or my favorite is the Oasis Health Break
    Antioxia Berry & Pomegranate - and has a little less sugar than dr. pepper.

    Last suggestion - water. Its great, and zero calories, sodium, and sugar. But, if you are like me who cannot drink water as it is from the tap, I would suggest a brand like Aquafina or using the dasani drops ( I personally like pink lemonade flavour) or powerade - that add flavor into your water. Just becareful not to squeeze too much of this stuff into your water as you might consume more sugar-like substances (1 squeeze per 250-500ml of water).

    I am trying to lose weight and found your intake in sugar = increased sugar level and weight issues. Hence, like you I have tried and successfully quit diet coke to the degree it no longer tempts me when I grocery shop. I hope my suggestions have been helpful.
  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    Honestly just go to diet. 0 calories for most of them.
  • lmc657
    lmc657 Posts: 5 Member
    My weakness is Diet Coke/Coke Zero. I've tried switching to other things - tea, water, coffee...but nothing does it for me like an icy cold 20oz. Coke Zero.
  • sanche16
    sanche16 Posts: 3 Member
    Diet sodas are my weakness. Pretty sure they are horrible for me, but I can't stop. Sometimes I'll go on a green tea kick, but there is something refreshing about a diet coke.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Start by drinking the zero calorie soda stuff. Some are pretty nasty and will force you to stop lol.