Why do I feel like losing weight is pointless?

I sort of feel like since I'm not morbidly obese (I am obese by like 5 pounds though) that losing weight is pointless. I got burned out and gained back about 15 pounds. So now I'm 20 pounds down from my highest and 25 pounds away from my goal and it just feels so useless. I feel like 20 pounds is enough even though I'm still obese and having pain from it and I just need some motivation I guess. I feel like running and being active should be enough but if I eat like crap it sorta feels like I'm wasting my time...anyone else feel like this? If so how did you get back in the right mindset to lose the rest of the weight you wanted to?


  • stephenjlonison
    Just the fact that you have pain from your weight would be motivation enough for me.
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    If you're experiencing pain, you should see your doctor. Being so close to a healthy weight, it doesn't seem like you should be experiencing weight related pain.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    The pain should definitely be motivation, but if it's not enough, think of how much better you would LOOK. Think of how much better you have FELT about yourself when you were lighter and in better shape. Think about how your risk of diseases increases with just a 10% decrease in body weight. If none of this works for motivation, I'm not quite sure how to get to you.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure...that alone is a reason for it not being pointless. It doesn't have to be a super fit body. Everyone could benefit from healthier eating, and a daily walk. :)
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    I don't think exercise is a waste of time if I'm eating junk. I've tended to lose weight without trying every time I've been active in my life. Exercise can help diminish appetite, and change preferences to less calorie dense foods. But then, when I have exercise gains, it makes me more likely to want to eat healthy, because that can make me more effective in my workouts.

    I've lost almost 110 pounds, and have gone from the morbid obesity category to the overweight category by BMI. I'm a very slow jogger. I think I started under 4 mph and I've been going about about 4.5 mph for the last few months. My last two interval runs were at 5 mph (enough to actually enter as a jog/run on MFP).

    I'd like to think I'm getting faster because of conditioning, but it's probably the weight loss. Losing weight will get you closer to your running goals, and reduce your risk of injury.

    I also take Karate. Losing weight makes me more agile, and I now have an easier time getting into stance (still challenging, as I haven't built strength through my new range of motion). I am able to get through classes without getting as winded.

    Weight loss has really helped me with my fitness goals (and vice versa). I believe it will help you with yours as well.

    As far as motivation goes, is there anyone who relies on you? A cat? A relative? You will have an easier time being there for them if you are healthy. Taking care of yourself is a gift you give to the people who love you as well as yourself.

    Good work so far, and good luck :)
  • docsandy
    docsandy Posts: 12 Member
    I suggest you stop focusing on your weight. This is about being healthy, fit, living well and looking good !! To that end...clean up you "diet" Why eat anything you consider "crap"? In truth, you can out eat any exercise program. I starting measuring my food intake in terms of how much time I'd need to spend on the treadmill to burn it off...a slice of my favorite pizza, 350 calories @ 40 minutes !!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    do you believe you deserve success?
  • Canwehugnow
    Canwehugnow Posts: 218 Member
    Just the fact that you have pain from your weight would be motivation enough for me.


  • randaroo13
    randaroo13 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone. The pain is from an old injury but is bad worse when I'm heavier and presses on my lower back as well (again not super heavy but about 30-40 pounds overweight) Since making this post I've gotten back in the correct mindset to lose the weight. A big thank you to those that gave me other reasons to be motivated and not just said that my pain should be enough
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    For me, when I exercise, it's so I can eat more. I try to keep my calorie limit under what my daily goal is without exercise (and as healthy as I can), so when I do something active, I can have something junk-foodish that I like to eat. That's part of my motivation for exercise. I know it's silly, but it works for me.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    docsandy wrote: »
    I suggest you stop focusing on your weight. This is about being healthy, fit, living well and looking good !! To that end...clean up you "diet" Why eat anything you consider "crap"? In truth, you can out eat any exercise program. I starting measuring my food intake in terms of how much time I'd need to spend on the treadmill to burn it off...a slice of my favorite pizza, 350 calories @ 40 minutes !!!

    This is what I've decided to do... If I want to consume something that I know has a high calorie content, then I'll find a way to work it off via exercise or going for a nice walk. :smiley: I'm still looking at my weight for logging purposes, but I'm not focusing on that as much. I'm focusing on how I feel, how my clothes fit, how I'm sleeping, etc... that's what matters to me. :smile:
  • stormyview
    stormyview Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2015
    Pain is what motivated me to lose weight. I was about 15 pounds into the overweight category. I'm now done 38 pounds, and I really can't believe how much better I feel. I have so much more energy now that it's shocking. For example, I no longer pile things up on the stairs to take up when I go up or down. Now it's no big deal to just put them away. Pain issues from weight are gone. I feel so, so much better, and I feel so much better about myself.

    Why would you choose to keep living in pain when you know you can relatively easily do something about it? There are enough pain problems in most people's lives that they can't do much about. Why ignore the one you can control?