Divorce, Death, Depression...and a lot of weight gain :-(

Hi all,
I've read through some of your posts and have been very encouraged by so many success stories. A few years back, I'd worked out, counted calories and lost 50 pounds. Felt great and for the first time in my life didn't mind my picture being taken. No one could believe I looked so good for having 4 kids.

Fast forward to today....and I've suffered some devastating losses. My 26 year marriage ended 3 years ago. The ex moved on quickly....she pretty much moved in right after I moved out. A year ago, my boyfriend was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and died 8-1/2 months later, July '14. My emotions have been all over the place.

As my life became consumed with divorce proceedings, court dates, moving twice within 8 months, house projects, taking care of 3 boys and my oldest in college and then going to doctors, specialists, chemo, hospitals, ERs and then the absolutely devastating loss of my partner....I have ballooned to a whopping 192 pounds. I gained close to 15 pounds after he died.

So I'm on my own in more ways than one and I am determined to feel better and get healthy. I'm miserable....so tired and sore (I'm a server on weekends and work during the week with my design business) and fatigue easily. Hauling around this extra weight is taking its toll. I've never been this out of shape before. Not only am I hurting over my losses, but I'm embarrassed to be seen in public looking like this.

I'd love to connect with others to keep motivated. Thanks for "listening".


  • demelza123
    demelza123 Posts: 66 Member
    I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your boyfriend, cancer is a cruel disease and having lost my young Mum to lung cancer I can understand the amount of pressure you were managing and still are by the sounds of things. I would be happy to be a pal and keep you on track ... I will send you a request. You are a strong woman and you will be successful! :smile: