5'3'' With 50 lbs to Lose


I'm 5'3'' and weigh 171 lbs. My goal weight is 115 - 120 lbs. I was wondering if anyone has similar goals as I do. Sometimes the end goal seems so far away and almost impossible to grasp... been feeling really uneasy about this entire journey. Maybe if I see that more people are in the same boat as I am, we can help motivate each other.



  • halez_182
    halez_182 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'5" and weigh 79kg (155lbs). My goal is 55kg (120lbs). I've always been that type that gets heaps of motivation & then all of a sudden dissipates/ So I'm here to help & motivate if you'll do the same!!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, my goals were quite similar when I got here. I'm 5'2", and weighed about 175. My original goal was 125. When I got there I lowered it 5 more pounds. Now trying to maintain. Fell halfway off the wagon over the holidays, but hoping I'm back on track now.
  • SinCity2003
    SinCity2003 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5'4'' with about 70 pounds to lose (and possibly more, but want to see what that looks like). I did really well in 2012. Had a life changing event January of 2013 and by June of 2013 had put the entire 45 pounds I lost back on, plus a little more. I started again yesterday. We can do this!
  • akcochran
    akcochran Posts: 3 Member
    Im 5'4 and weigh about 180 and im hoping to lose at least 30 pounds, I get started really slow from lack of motivation then push myself for a week or so then quit, I started again today so wish me luck! We can do this guys!
  • 4bettermenow
    4bettermenow Posts: 166 Member
    You can add me. I'm 5'2.5" and currently weigh 178. I have another 40lbs to go.
  • st0negirldancing
    Hey all!

    This is me, too. I'm 5'4" at 194lbs. First goal - 140lbs. Second - 130lbs & go from there. One thing that I'm also seeking, is someone that's primarily doing calorie counting only versus being very exercise active. If this sounds like you too, please feel free to add me!
  • amylynn82784
    amylynn82784 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5' and weigh 140 lbs. I am looking to lose about 25 more lbs. Feel free to add!
  • AlliterationGR
    AlliterationGR Posts: 14 Member
    You can add me too. I'm 5'2 and started at 181. I'd like to lose 40. I've set my goal as 30 over the next year.
  • Theresahuling
    I am 5'3" at 171 lbs as well. My goal is not so lofty to start with. I am shooting for 145lbs by May. I eat a lot of high carb foods and sugar so my first step is cutting those down significantly and exercising consistently. 3 miles a day or 30 mins of exercise, daily!! no excuses.. its day 7. working so far.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    5'0", currently 165, trying to get to 115. I lose weight slowly so it's going to take me a full year to lose 50 lbs. I have yet to last a full year without letting myself get completely off track. 2015's the year I don't let anything get in the way and I finish this once and for all!
  • Viylette
    Viylette Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me as well, along with anybody else in this group. I am 5'2" and weigh 180 pounds. And i want to lose around 50 pounds. I am honestly looking forward to the challenge!!
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I used to weight about 150 and I'm currently down to 115. It took me about a year and a half but I did it. Now I'm just trying to tone with weight training. It was a lot of hard work, willpower, and dedication but it can be done.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently 165. I started doing this at 248 lbs so it's definitely something that can be done. I'm aiming for 136 to get a BMI of 24.9, then we'll see what happens from there. I have another 1.4 lbs until I became "overweight." :D Anyone can add me.
  • prosksb
    5'4" here and I'm about 150. Goal weight is around 130. Trainer said that was a LOT to shed in the next .... 3-4 months, but it was all medication/new desk job weight gain.
  • suzy0317
    suzy0317 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 5'3" - started in July at 196....down to 169 looking to get to 150. Tracking and walking for the most part but looking to start 5K training. Always looking for more friends, helpful advice and motivation.
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    Hey sunshine! You're already on my friend list, but I'm a good example of "you can do it!" I am 5'2". I started at 185, will be 125 in a few weeks (127 today. ;) ).

    The things I can say are: Take it day by day. If the overall goal seems too big, set smaller/closer goals. My original goal weight was 145, and even that seemed very distant and difficult. Once I got there though, I breezed on by and readjusted. If you have a bad day, it's just one day. You get the whole next day to start over. Try every day, move every day, focus on your own wellness every day. You'll get there.
  • AngMarie13
    AngMarie13 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3" and working my way down from 173. This isn't my first time losing weight from this starting point (it's my "eat everything I want" weight). My goal now is to get down to 145 and see how I feel at that point. I like to lift & run, but portion control & meal choices are the biggest issue for me.
  • LishaAG
    LishaAG Posts: 12 Member
    In the same boat 50 seems like the number to beat...good luck
  • jennylaho75
    jennylaho75 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently about 180. Want to lose 40 pounds by age 40 (which is in December 2015)...or sooner. :) Count me in -- anyone in the same boat feel free to add me!
  • hockeymomrw
    hockeymomrw Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 175lb. Nice to see others with similar situations. Add me if you'd like! I'd like to get down to 140, possibly 130 as that's about a size 6 for me.