All My Upper 200's Moving Towards Our Goals

Hi everyone, Chloe here!! So this is my first post. I've been on myfitnesspal for about three years now and I didn't know there was a forum/thread until now so this is my first post.
I am 5'10 and currently weigh 264. I had gotten down to 240 and gain it back up until now due to simply ignoring the problem and just not paying attn. Now I'm tired of starting over. My goal weight is 167. It seems like a good goal for me (though to join the army I should be closer to 159 -_-'' about that!!). Anyways I just want to hear some others stories who are around my size and basically just get some support. I weight lift a lot and occassionally go crazy for sushi/chinese food XD

Is there anyone else struggling or have struggled with my similar height or weight or anything :3


  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    Hi there!

    I am 6 foot and started on mfp at my highest ever weight of 336! :noway: I am now in the high 250s!

    Just wanted to say you can do this (Ps my weakness is Chinese food and yes, I'm still eating it! :laugh:)
