Need help figuring out how to track foods...

So I am a complete novice at counting carbs...and everything else. I am trying to add foods to my log but am unsure how to calculate sandwhiches and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • secondnature81
    secondnature81 Posts: 58 Member
    Sandwiches and things like that, I usually add the individual items: the bread, the cheese, condiments, etc all separately. Unless it's something I have a lot and then I make a "recipe". Saves a lot of time that way.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    You can enter all the items individually and then save it as a meal so you don't have to enter them all again or create a recipe. I usually only do a recipe if it's more than one serving.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    Did you buy the sandwich somewhere that has nutrional information available for it or did you make the sandwich? If you bought it, just log the information provided. If you made it, log the components you added to make the sandwich: 2 slices of bread (using the correct information for the bread you used), 2oz meat, 1/2 oz cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Tracking sandwiches? Piece by piece. Track your bread, then your filling, and don't forget the condiments. Do a search in the database for the actual brand name, if possible, and choose the items in the database with the most confirmations.

    If you have the time, click on the "Nutritional Information" and actually LOOK at it to see if it seems reasonable. I've seen Chinese foods listed with zero sodium and I know that isn't accurate. Check labels and verify things when you can.

    Hope this helps!
  • Thanks secondnature81! Maybe I should just make a bunch of recipes today of typical foods I eat. This helps a lot!
  • Thanks all...we shall se what I can accomplish with your tips! Will definitely make things a lot easier once I know what I am doing!