Back again!

I wouldn't say I'm a failure story or a success story. I was on this site for months tracking and doing right. I lost over 90 pounds when I was tracking right. But then life happened... I started getting confidence started dating didn't pay attention to what I was doing or eating stopped exercising. I then met the love of my life fell so hard in love with him. He asked me to marry him Christmas day of course I said yes. Then I realized I have gained back 30 pounds by ignoring my bad choices. I told my love we can not get married until I have lost 50 pounds though I prefer 70. So here I am again praying for the strength and motivation to lose the weight and marry my love. So I need as many inspirational people as I can find to help me stay on track.


  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    I am back at it again your right life happens and forget to track. Kids went back to school and now back at the gym again and eating the way I was before they were home. I need help saying on track and someone to kick me in the butt to go to the gym. its so cold outside i don't even want to walk out the door some days. I can't wait for the winter months to be done so I can go for a walk outside. I use to do the elliptical at the gym and walk outside later in the day so i would get both in the same day now its just the elliptical and some weights.
  • stellasigal1
    What can I say? Nothing;(
    I gained back a lot of weight
    It's not good for my health
    And I want to fight back!
    Need a friend, really... Seriously
    Let's do it together !!!
    Who is with me?
    Need to lose 60 lbs
    I am 58 years young !!!