Help me with a strength PF

I've been around here just long enough to see the hate or at least the discrediting of the PF model, branding, and policies. I'm not here to debate it. But its what I have that fits my schedule, my budget, and my geography. I am hoping somebody will take pity on me and help me fit in some sort of strength training with what I have available.

I am training to run further distances and enjoy it and the extra calories, so I do appreciate the cardio equipment. I am 50 lbs into diet changes and weightloss that I hope to continue, somewhere between 20-30 lbs more. I am aware that weight loss is about diet, but as I enjoy the extra calories, I'd rather not give up cardio completely.

I have been accessing the machine weights for probably 6 weeks or so, mostly after cardio sessions. But its not really a plan, and I know I'm inefficient with my time. I've read about programs like SL or NROL, but they seem to require a routine I can't access at PF or my home at the moment. As you know, they prohibit deadlifts, and don't have very much more than machine weights and dumb bells.

Can anybody recommend a cardio/strength program to use at PF? My goals still include weight loss, but I'm ready to transition more time into body composition. I also have a copy of You are Your Own Gym, if I should spend time on that instead of machine weights. If its helpful, I have about 60 minutes per day during the week, and 60-90 per day on weekends.


  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    It might be different where you are, but at the PF I use, they offer free sessions with a trainer who can help you figure out a routine and show you how things work. It might be worthwhile to schedule one.