Did I REALLY Gain 3 Pounds Over Night, Or Is The Scale Lying To Me?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    stop weighing yourself daily!


    Because you have to be mentally strong to weigh everyday. Some folks get disheartened when the scales go up and down.
    Some even give up dieting altogether, because the scales, unknowingly to them haven't caught up with what their bodies are doing yet.
    If you can handle the flucuations, by all means weigh everyday. However, if you break down in tears when there's a 1 pound increase, weighing everyday is not a good idea.

  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    edited January 2015
    stop weighing yourself daily!


    Because you have to be mentally strong to weigh everyday. Some folks get disheartened when the scales go up and down.
    Some even give up dieting altogether, because the scales, unknowingly to them haven't caught up with what their bodies are doing yet.
    If you can handle the flucuations, by all means weigh everyday. However, if you break down in tears when there's a 1 pound increase, weighing everyday is not a good idea.

    This is what I mean. So many recommend not weighing every day, but it seems to be based on a personal inability or refusal to apprehend basic realities about water weight and natural hormonal fluctuations, or they "get obsessed with the scale". What if you don't get obsessed with the scale?

    The reason I don't weigh weekly is because I could wait all week for that weigh-in date only to have it fall on a day when I have a random 2kg fluid retention out of the blue. I want to have a way of seeing that fluctuation and understanding it. Weekly weighing just limits my access to information about my own body.
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    I actually started weighing every day because I WAS obsessed with the scale. Now I have a year's worth of data that tells me I always have a spike about CD 10, and another about CD 21. I also tend to shrug a lot about the number on the scale. It probably took me two months to stop obsessing.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Don't mean to hijack this post. But I have been sitting on a 2kg (4lb) gain all week! My totm is due on Monday. Could the weight gain happen so early before they arrive?

    Mine does! Or rather, as long as I'm on plan I won't show a gain, but I will not lose at all for maybe five days before my period. After the water lets go, I often get a whoosh.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Yes, your weight can easily fluctuate by several pounds. I was up 3 pounds yesterday, and down 5 pounds today. Totally normal. I must have had a salty dinner that night.