Warrior Dash!


I just signd up for this even! Its going to be a blast and its only a 5 k! I convinced some of my friends to do it and i can not wait for it. It has twelve obsticels and in the end you get covered in mud! They have it all over the country so i thought i would share this with everyone!!!


  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I soooooo wanted to go!! But we couldn't get the money and a babysitter for that long... but we're hoping for next year, I know another mfp member that's going and we were gonna meet up in the Chicago one. It woulda bee a freakin blast! Have fun and kick some *kitten*!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I wanna do this next year in Denver. There were supposed to be some others who were doing it this year - wonder how it went??