Welp. That went swimmingly!



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    I have a random question - did the thread title change?

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edited January 2015
    leahszrk wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Hey! Not meaning to be mean here and its great that you are motivated and excited to lose weight, but Dr Oz is a total charlatan.

    I highly recommend trying to eat at a reasonable caloric deficit - try to get as many nutrient dense and satiating foods in - but unless they trigger over-eating, treats are also fine in moderation.

    If you are just starting - mainly focus on your calories (you can tweak your macros later) but don't skimp on fats or protein. Try to create an environment that is as conducive as possible to adherence. Try to find some activity(ties) that you enjoy and get active.

    Have a read of this - it will hopefully help:


    Thanks for actually responding with more than snark! No one knows me or my story this year! ;)

    For someone like me who needs a good spanking to shift my thinking, I actually NEED the restrictions until I can take the training wheels off again.
    Hokey or not...He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named takes me there psychologically. Being accountable for everything that I eat/do is where I need to be again after 4 years and 2 kids later of unhealthy eating and lifestyle.
    Thanks again!

    As you have found, Dr Oz is pretty much persona non grata here (and quite rightly). He spouts misinformation left, right and center. So, if there is something that has his name attached that *may* be helpful to some, it gets caught up in the crossfire as he has no credibility due to the total nonsense he spews - and because he wears scrubs, has the word Dr in front of his name, and has had some very very good marketing, unfortunately, people listen to him.

    For example, Day 1:

    "How to Start Your Day
    Drink a hot cup of water with lemon to kick-start your digestion process for the day. This will also increase detoxification because the bitterness of the lemon activates the bile flow, which helps emulsify and remove fat-soluble toxins."

    ^^this is twaddle, but nothing actually wrong with drinking lemon first thing.

    Now, if you want something to get you going and you feel you need to go 'cold turkey' so to speak for a few days, that is all fine, but I would urge you not to buy into his hype.

    In itself, there is nothing wrong with the 'diet', its the explanations he gives for the reasons that are an issue as they are basically wrong. Also, some people do not do well on very restrictive diets, but that's an individual thing.

    Just trying to give some context here so you do not take all this personally. People are 'having a go at' Dr Oz, and not you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    I have a random question - did the thread title change?


    Phew! I thought I was imagining thing or just getting confused. I did not realize you could do that - you could not before.