Fitbit and adding exercise to diary


Like most people I am getting back to my dieting now that the New Year has arrived and I wanted some advice about FitBit.

Now I have had a Fitbit One since October and have registered the steps through my account but was also registering the exercise on top of that - is that right?

For example I go out on an accumulative 45 minute walk with my dog most days and this for me is say 2000 steps however, there is the option for 3mph walk with dog through the app and I don't know whether I add this as the calorie adjustment thing doesn't give me that many burn off calories so I don't have an end of day net if for whatever reason I have to go over my limit.

Any help?


  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    I use the fitbit flex. Make sure you keep track of what times you are exercising so you are not double counting your steps. Your fitbit adjustment with adjust accordingly. Typically if my fitbit is overaccounting for calories I just delete the adjustment anyhow. Makes me work harder.
  • alixfowler
    So sorry to sound dim lol but does that mean I have to register my dog walk etc or rely on the adjustment?
  • neilshane
    neilshane Posts: 17 Member
    I use the Fitbit. When I run on the treadmill I enter the exercise. But, as FitWarrior says above, you have to enter the exact start time of your activity. Otherwise, Fitbit will count it twice. When you manually enter your activity and your start time, that's telling Fitbit to override what it counted during those minutes.

    Example: You walk your dog for 45 minutes starting at 2:07 p.m. Enter that information as exercise, including the exact start time, and you're all set. Fitbit and MFP work out the rest.

    Hope this makes sense.
  • alixfowler
    Ok thanks i'll give that a go later and if I get stuck i'll ask again
  • Lyndsee7
    Lyndsee7 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm having a similar issue. When I synced MFP and my fitbit it said to add any exercise in MFP and it would automatically add it to the fitbit. I have been making sure to add the exact start time. On the fitbit app everything looks fine. but in MFP it shows what I added for exercise AND the calories adjustment from fitbit. So to me, it looks like they are doubling the amount of calories I burned during the exercise. I wish that happened in real life but I don't think it works that way. Am I entering the exercise wrong? Or can I just turn off the auto correct calorie adjuster?
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    You don't add exercise that is step based if you have your fitbit connected. Fitbit does that for you in the calorie adjustment. Only add things like swimming cycling, things that wouldn't register as a step