
I've been thinking a lot about doing P90x but I am worried about it being too intense. Anyone have any feedback, tips, experience, success with it?


  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    The intensity is not what makes it hard to stick with X. It's easily modified to any fitness level. What makes it hard to stick with is the duration of the workouts, which can run you between an hour to an hour and a half a day. A lot of people can't find an hour and a half a day to devote to it.
  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    I just started the P90X3. Work outs are only 30 minutes. They are as intense as you want to make them. I think the key is finding an intensity that is comfortable and sticking with it.

    Good luck!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    P90X3 is a solid program too, but it's more specific to people whose goal is weight loss. It can't really be adapted to other goals like the original P90X could. Also, I find that the exercises involved require a LOT more coordination than what's used in the original P90X.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    P90X3 is a solid program too, but it's more specific to people whose goal is weight loss. It can't really be adapted to other goals like the original P90X could. Also, I find that the exercises involved require a LOT more coordination than what's used in the original P90X.

    I found P90X3 to be just okay when compared to P90X or even T25. Like @contingencyplan‌ said, it's really the duration of P90X that gets people. Yoga for 90 minutes? No thanks. And I like Yoga. But I did some of the vids when I was in college (I could only afford to purchase a few dvds off of ebay) and it was really good. But I had a lot of time my senior year b/c I killed myself Freshman-Junior year.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I just did P90X. It's a solid program and adaptable to different ability levels. But it is time consuming and gets old. I really liked it at first and saw great changes in my body. I made it to day 60 and just couldn't do it anymore. At that point you've done every workout multiple times and I was just bored. I was starting to dread workout time and that's not normal for me.

    I switched back to running, swimming, and bodyweight training and am much happier.

    Give it a shot. You may love it. I know many people who've done it multiple times, so they didn't have the same issue I did. I've never seen anyone who stuck to it and didn't see great results.