Jillian Michaels Body revolution?



  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    I stick to 1200
  • This app calculated me at 1690 cal a day, I'm sitting at 224lbs and I put in to lose 1lb a week. Seems high though, and I don't ever reach it, I probably should just change it to 2 lbs/week, which I think would sit me at 1200/day
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    I don't have the whole program, but I happened to pick up the JM Cardio Kickstart dvd from Target. I was interested since I'd never heard of it, then realized later it's the cardio 1 2 & 3 workouts from Body Revolution. I've done cardio 1 a few times and I like it so far.
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm on day 6 of the kickstart. Sticking to a 1200 calorie diet. Looking forward to tomorrow's rest day.
  • srenabp
    srenabp Posts: 5 Member
    Yes!! I did it twice! Several years ago, and I blogged the entire time. Here are my before and after pictures http://cardioandkids.blogspot.com/2012/07/done-with-jillian-michaels-body.html I had another baby since then and had gained a lot back from that. So I restarted and just finished week 2 (well I finish week 2 tomorrow). And I'm blogging through it this time too. I've lost 9 pounds in the first two weeks. I always lose a lot at first.

    Hi Sara! Thanks for the link, I spent an hour or so reading your posts about your Body Revolution journey - congratulations on an amazing achievement! I'll keep on reading your later posts, it's nice to learn about someone's experience with different programs, and to share the ups and downs of working out and weight loss. Thank you again for sharing, I'll keep coming back to your blog for motivation!

    I'm in week 9 of the program, just did workout 10 for the first time today. I think it's one of my favorites so far! I love it that the workouts are challenging but manageable, and that they do get harder. What would have seemed impossible when I started has become something I can actually do, which makes me feel very proud of myself! I'm 5'15", my SW was 142 lb (GW 123), I was 135.5 when I started the program and I'm 132 now. I do not follow a diet plan but use MFP to track what I eat. My goal is a net 1200 cal daily (total around 1500 cal). It's a slow progress, but I prefer keeping it manageable and sustainable in the long run.
  • FitWithVic
    FitWithVic Posts: 65 Member
    Starting tomorrow, only completed it fully once before but determined to squeeze it in before my birthday. Who is currently doing BR? If so feel free to add me as a friend
  • midniteangl
    midniteangl Posts: 2 Member
    I just started again for like the 3 time. I've never gone on the week 3 and 4 discs. The times before I was working two jobs and then one job that was very draining. This time, I have one job and off for the summer. I'm trying to get into the swing of it again. I am trying motivate myself to do it everyday just hard to get my mind set in it. I used to do zumba everyday for an hour and half and then Jillian Michaels either shred or yoga. I lost some much weight back then but that was when I was so much younger. My motivation now is to be able to look good in my wedding dress for next year. So I was hoping that you guys can remind me to keep my motivation up.
  • ShannynMarion
    ShannynMarion Posts: 11 Member
    I'm on week 2 of phase 1 and so far really enjoying it. I find the cardio workout a bit repetitive though so I substituted in a TurboFire workout the second time around and will probably continue to sub in other cardio workouts for the rest of the program. I was starting to find other workout programs weren't really doing anything for my lower body anymore but I'm happy to find that this program seems to be working those muscles again.
  • wuzyursign
    wuzyursign Posts: 5 Member
    I am in week 11. I've blogged my whole journey here: http://thehealthyhappymomma.webs.com I found that blogging (I get no financial benefit from my blog- it's totally for my personal benefit) really helped me stay accountable to the program. Once you get into a rhythm with the program, you will be able to stick with it. I am so impressed with how strong I am now. My weight stalls every now and then, but I'm down 12 pounds since starting.