Just hit your macros.



  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    This is a great post.

    I personally found it really clicked when I started focusing on macros (+ fiber). Mentally, it meant I was "eating up" to meet my protein, fat and fiber targets, rather than "eating down" to a calorie target. I was adding healthy things into my diet, rather than taking away calories. It also makes the whole logging process more interesting IMO.

    Fiber is a great target. At times when I have been not-too-focused on nutrition but wanting to eat better, I've played a little game with my diet where I aim for at least 30g of naturally occurring fiber per day. (So, no, supplements don't count) I'd almost always end up slimming down, not because fiber is some kind of space age miracle food that Dr. Oz will be selling in capsule form any day now (probably already is), but because foods that are naturally high in fiber also tend to be low in calories and fat and sometimes higher in protein. (whole grains, for example, are higher in fiber and protein than their refined white cousins)

    The other "I'm not fussing" game I like to play is to try to include a large number of VARIETIES of vegetables and fruits in a given day. No, 5 servings of one veg vs 1 serving each of 5 different veg won't differ much calorically...but, it will deliver a wider range of micronutrients and also keep it in your mind to try to add more and more veg to your daily diet.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    When I travel, which is unfortunately often, fiber is my mental target. It gives a great microcosmic view of ones diet. In a pinch.