140 Pounds To Lose, Who is in the Same Boat?

Started yesterday...would like to find some friends to stick together for the whole ride! :)


  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Hi there! :)
    How many pounds are you looking to lose a week/month?
    What is your ultimate goal weight?
    What are you doing to meet your goal?
  • I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds a month. I just started Nutrisystem, mainly for the convenience and time savings. I am a vegetarian. My plan is to eat the right number of calories, ride my recumbent bike, and do The Firm/Turbo Jam/ChaLean Extreme, etc. videos. How about you?
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I'm in nearly the same boat. I have lost 65 pounds since the end of July, but I still have a long way to go. I've still got another 60 or so pounds to lose to get my target of 170. At that point, I'm going to see how things go. I may lose a little more beyond that. Welcome to MFP :).
  • TeddiRoseHouston
    TeddiRoseHouston Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in a similar situation and wanting to lose about 100 pounds in however long it takes me! Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend!
  • crypsyx
    crypsyx Posts: 858 Member
    i've got roughly 150 pounds to my goal weight and however long this will take, it can and will be done. i've lost 140 pounds from my highest. i gained some of it back after i had my son. while that's a minor set back, it also means that i know that i can definitely get lower than i am right now. just got to keep slogging on through.
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    I am aiming to lose 105, I gladly cheer you on
  • I'm trying to lose about 110 lbs. I be lost weight before and almost got there but went back to school and all the stress I put it back on. Hoping this time will make it and keep it off!
  • Thank you all for your responses and friend adds. HAPPY FRIDAY!