eat all calories for weight loss?

I am allotted 1600 calories per day, been doing this for 8 weeks not much weight loss. Doing cardio and strength training every day. should I eat all calories? I have been eating probably 1200. Thanks


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    According to your profile, you've lost 10lbs. That's a little over 1lb per week. You also don't have much to lose which means weight loss is going to be slower.

    Well, MFP's goal is a NET goal. So if your doing things the way MFP is set up, you should be eating your Goal + at least 50% of exercise calories.

    As for the "probably eating", are you logging your food? It sounds like your unsure of your actual calorie intake and just guessing that it's 1200. If you are just guessing at the 1200 number, then your probably eating more than you think.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    If you are allotted 1600, why are you eating 1200?

    10lbs in 8 weeks is really good. But I don't think you are eating enough. If you are at least NETTING 1200 you are doing your body an disservice.