Scottish lass looking for a motivation buddy!

So determined this time to lose weight after moving house to an area I know no one!


  • chantyc1
    chantyc1 Posts: 137 Member
    Hey, I am in same boat, moved lady year and no no one too. I am in London, but far from Scotland but not so far like America lol, maybe we can support each other, r u following any diet?
  • chantyc1
    chantyc1 Posts: 137 Member
    Meant last year lol
  • I live in the US and starting a new exercise/diet program and I really want to stay motivated! Charlenequarrell & Chantyc1 I'd be happy to friend you guys and help keep you both on track. Let me know if you are interested! Good luck!
  • wanderlustre72
    wanderlustre72 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm back again and Scottish too... all new friends welcome so add me if you like!
  • sianlr87
    sianlr87 Posts: 72 Member
    Same boat for me! I'm back again... Also moved to a new area, now in St Albans from South Wales. So it's a new year, new home, new job and new me!
  • Roxiee2014
    Roxiee2014 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm St. Albans, how's your transition to the area gone
  • squathissy
    squathissy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Scottish and used this app last year and did really well on it... Then it slowly creepy back on! Looking for buddies to share the journey with!! X