is there such thing as too much exercise?



  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    sorry i stand corrected my TDEE is 1720 so it has decreased. sorry for that guys i can assume its the decrease in deficit? how can i overcome this since 1200 calories per day is already low
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Maybe dropping calories isn't for you, if your workouts have got easier maybe more effort there will compensate for the decrease in defecit
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    thanks i guess the workouts need to be harder i guess shorter more intense workouts :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    edited January 2015
    Okay I understand what you're saying now. I would just make sure you're eating back at least some of your exercise calories and that you're feeling well. If you notice that you're feeling run down, tired in spite of sleeping enough, etc then you might revisit.

    I thought you were saying you were eating 1200 gross.
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Ignoring the Food side of things 4 hours cardio and maybe the same in weights a week really is not a lot! If it was 4 hours a day then you'd be getting into overtraining territory.

    As has been mentioned the people who usually comment that you do too much are the ones who normally need the exercise the most! I have a guy at work who always berates me for doing too much and that I should always have a rest day after a day of exercise but doesn't like it when I mention the fact he has done the C25K program 4 times and never made it past week 3 before giving up claiming its too hard and his body aches all over!
  • pokegurl
    You may want to revisit the p90x and insanity workouts. I've been doing a similar workout at the gym class for about a year now (r.i.p.p.e.d) and it has been so amazing. It is very high intensity for about 45 minutes, burning a lot of calories and building muscle. Like any new workout the first few times are difficult but it gets easier with practice.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    thank you i think people assume because i havnt lost for a while i am starving myself and my body is clinging onto the fat. not sure i believe that
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    my friend at work said i'm not losing as much because i exercise too much? i do cardio 5 times a week for 30-50 minutes and strength 3-4 times a week... i burn around 400 calories a time and my daily deficit is 520 just on food. to be honest i have cut out alcohol completely this week and upped the intensity of my workouts. i sometimes eat back 50% of my workout calories sometimes dont. the point is my friend thinks im starving myself but i'm 5ft 1 with a TDEE of 1745 and i have a desk job so i dont think i am starving myself of calories or overdoing it?

    Yes there is.

    Will you reach it ever? Probably not.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    thank you i think people assume because i havnt lost for a while i am starving myself and my body is clinging onto the fat. not sure i believe that
    No, what's more likely happening is that your body has become accustomed to the exercise so you aren't burning as many calories as you used to. Also, as you noticed, your TDEE has dropped because you now have less mass. You can trying changing up your workout regimen either by trying something new or increasing weight or intensity. You may just have to resign yourself to a slower rate of weight loss, though. The closer you get to your goal the slower it will be.

  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    Your profile says you've lost 40 pounds so I'm not sure what your friend is talking about. You do exercise a lot, but I wouldn't say it's excessive. If your weight loss has slowed, try changing your lifting and cardio routine rather than just increasing the intensity.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    thanks i have lost 40lbs since nov 2013 so im getting there i have 25lbs to go until i revaluate ;p
  • chuck636
    chuck636 Posts: 258 Member
    Funny I was asking myself the same question today...I honest to god think I'm becoming an addict
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    HAHA Chuck... my friends think i am an addict
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    When you start putting workouts in front of real once in a while activities- and you sacrifice you're entire life for your workout- then it's probably to much.

    If you're competing- and there are STINTS of time (3-4 months) where you need to be hyper focused- that's one thing- but if you aren't competing- you aren't training- odds are you don't need to be that rigid about it.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    absolutely. overuse injuries are common. if you've never got one you either have impeccable form, superior genes, or your not working out as hard as you think you are.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    my friend at work said i'm not losing as much because i exercise too much? i do cardio 5 times a week for 30-50 minutes and strength 3-4 times a week... i burn around 400 calories a time and my daily deficit is 520 just on food. to be honest i have cut out alcohol completely this week and upped the intensity of my workouts. i sometimes eat back 50% of my workout calories sometimes dont. the point is my friend thinks im starving myself but i'm 5ft 1 with a TDEE of 1745 and i have a desk job so i dont think i am starving myself of calories or overdoing it?

    I ride between 60 - 80 miles per week (more when I'm actively training) and lift 3x weekly. Yes, there is such a thing as too much exercise and over-training...but I doubt that's happening with 30-50 minutes of general cardio 4-5 days per week and some resistance training a few days per week unless you're just crashing your diet or something.

    Really, that's where the risk is...not eating enough to support the level of activity...thus you run into recovery issues and over-train injuries and other issues
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    my friend at work said i'm not losing as much because i exercise too much? i do cardio 5 times a week for 30-50 minutes and strength 3-4 times a week... i burn around 400 calories a time and my daily deficit is 520 just on food. to be honest i have cut out alcohol completely this week and upped the intensity of my workouts. i sometimes eat back 50% of my workout calories sometimes dont. the point is my friend thinks im starving myself but i'm 5ft 1 with a TDEE of 1745 and i have a desk job so i dont think i am starving myself of calories or overdoing it?

    I ride between 60 - 80 miles per week (more when I'm actively training) and lift 3x weekly. Yes, there is such a thing as too much exercise and over-training...but I doubt that's happening with 30-50 minutes of general cardio 4-5 days per week and some resistance training a few days per week unless you're just crashing your diet or something.

    Really, that's where the risk is...not eating enough to support the level of activity...thus you run into recovery issues and over-train injuries and other issues

    I agree. From what you posted, I don't think you are over exercising and I'd probably know because several years ago I went WAY over board with cardio. Thankfully I re-evaluated and made drastic changes before I got any overuse injuries. If you are eating enough, feel energetic enough throughout your workouts, then don't bother what other people think of what you're doing. Just make sure to change things up every now and then so that you don't get overuse injuries or boredom sets in.
  • jukyu
    jukyu Posts: 80 Member
    Overtraining is totally subjective. Anyone can look at your schedule and say "That doesn't seem like a lot..." well, yeah for THEM, maybe. If you notice changes in appetite, fatigue, or a sudden vulnerability to illness or injury, chances are you're probably doing too much.
  • sebd12
    sebd12 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2015
    Not over-exercising, that's a great activity level!
    I do think you may be under-eating, though.
    If your calorie goal is 1200 it's probably too low. That's the only thing I disagree with MFP about. If you exercise you should be eating back all those calories to hit your 1200. If your total for the day is under 1200 because of the negative exercise calories then you are probably not getting enough calories and weight loss/ muscle building will stall. Try bumping up to 1300 net calories a day and eat back all your exercise calories so you are at a total of 1300 each day. That's still enough of a deficit from your TDEE to see weight loss, but will help you come off of the plateau.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    thanks i will try eating back all my exercise calories i wear a hrm so i like to think my logging is fairly accurate