Help! I'm hungry...

Hello, I lost 78 pounds couple years ago and slowly 40 crept back on. I just started watching my calorie intake again. on 1200 calories I am starving, upped to 1500 and I am still hungry. What can I try? I am 65" and 186#'s. (41 years old.) I am taking wellbutrin xl, Cymbalta and I'm thinking I maybe already fighting an uphill battle. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    if it was me... when I am hungry - I eat... with NO exercise I eat almost 1700 a day and when I do exercise I can push upwards of 2000 per day... if you are hungry then eat :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Don't have your goal set so aggressively. Remember, the winner gets to eat the most and still lose.
  • RSEC75
    RSEC75 Posts: 45 Member
    For your weight height and age you come out at a similar level to me. By my calculations at sedentary you should eating around 1870 to maintain and 1500 would give around a 370 deficit which could be a good level to work to (I'm on 1500 which is a 400 deficit for me and I'm loosing weight).

    You don't say if you exercise, but if you do that would take your goal above 1500. Your body needs fuel, I find if I exercise without eating back calories for the amount of exercise I did then I feel tired and lethargic, especially as I'm already on a deficit. Exercise for me is for keeping fit not loosing weight, and so I try and keep my deficit fairly constant regardless of exercise.

    Some foods are more filling for the amount of calories than others. I'm not expert on what's better than what, I know the chicken and rice I had last night was satisfying while also being the lowest of my evening meals as far as calories goes. You probably need to experiment with what fills you up for the least calories.

    Having said that hunger is generally not related to calorie requirement, its related to how much acid your stomach produces and that is related to how much food it's had to digest in the past. You can train yourself to be less hungry, either by just putting up with the hunger till your body adjusts (not something I could do) or by slowly reducing your intake until you reach the right goal.
  • skinnygurl02
    skinnygurl02 Posts: 176 Member
    Thank you all for your posts. I stuck with 1500 for a few days, ate a better breakfast and now feel much more satisfied. Thanks again!!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Thank you all for your posts. I stuck with 1500 for a few days, ate a better breakfast and now feel much more satisfied. Thanks again!!

    excellent! :) now monitor that intake for a week and see how it does for you :)