Mindset shift

enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Trying a new strategy for a bit. Instead of focusing on the numbers on the scale I am going to set myself a weekly healthy eating or fitness goal. The losing weight thing will be am awesome secondary benefit- I think this mindset shift will help me focus and stay motivated. I think the numbers on the scale merely aren't enough and I need to focus on the other things instead- I need to reap and feel the rewards of being healthier, stronger, leaner in order to keep going. I've become complacent with my weight and size. I'm not happy wiht it, but I've lived with it for so long that I've become somewhat numb to it.

So- what kind of healthy eating or activity goals do you set for yourself or do you think would be helpful? So far I've come up with meet my daily protein goal (which I've been struggling with), eat clean for a week (also a struggle), get veggies in at every meal, drink a gallon of water a day. What other ideas do you guys have?