Saying Hi :)

I've been on and off of MFP a for a long time. After having to take everything easy after surgery last June, I'm back on again. Earlier this week, I made two friends (yay!) and decided to stop being such a MFP a hermit.

A bit about me... Ran track in high school, but injured my knee my junior year. For 12 years after that, I kept trying and failing to get back into running. In 2013, I finally did it! The magic sauce was learning how to work with my body instead of trying to bully my body into submission. I ran a 5K in the spring and a half marathon (13.1 miles) in the fall of that year.

2014 was a crazy year health-wise, and after surgery in June, I knew I needed to just be patient. Got the "all clear" from my surgeon in the middle of December. When I went to see my primary doc to tweak my asthma meds on December 18th, the nurse was very gracious when she recorded my weight at 155. On my 5'3", small-boned frame, that's not where I want to be!

For Christmas, my mom gave me a gift card, and I decided to use that to get an activity tracker. Best decision I've made in a long time! With my fitness band making sure I'm moving enough every hour, getting my cardiovascular fitness level up has been so much easier than it was in the past. I still have a ways to go, but I've got a lot of hope.

This year, I want to get back to a healthier weight, I want to get back into running, I want to run a 5K... and if I can do the 5K, I want to work up enough courage to try running with the local running club. They look like a fun, happy bunch of people, but I'm not exactly a social butterfly!

Thanks for reading my "hello", and best wishes for everyone's 2015 goals!

- Michele