Mommys with young kiddies



  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I have an extremely busy 20 month old, who doesn't stop for a second! She wouldn't let me work out either, but I have found a method that works for us. I do Jillian Michaels DVD's while she is napping, the 30 Day Shred only takes up 25 mins of your time and is really effective, trust me, if you do it right you'll be sweating in no time!

    Or, if she doesn't want to nap, or it gets cut short, I put her in the highchair/stroller/wherever she can be contained, with her snack, and some drink, while I finish my workout.

    This has really worked for me! I tried working out at night, but after taking care of a rugrat all day , cooking dinner and all that other jazz it just burnt me out. I recommend you try doing it this way.

    I have our playstation hooked up, and I use Youtube through there(where i find the online workouts), and its super convenient. Hope this helps!!!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Can you go for a walk/jog/run in the morning before it gets hot out? Or in the evening when it starts to cool down? I know you mentioned hubby works night shift so could you go out when he gets up/gets home from work so he's home to watch the little one while you get a workout in? How about a walk at lunch? Walk around inside at work if it's too hot out. Or, when your little one goes to bed do a quick 20 minute workout before bed? Or first thing in the morning before you get the little one up?

    I don't have kids yet but when I was super busy for work (leaving at 6am and not getting home until at least 830pm) I either went for a walk on lunch (I was lucky where I could eat my lunch at my desk so I could go for a walk on my lunch) or I went for a walk after work (I would get off the subway a stop or two earlier depending on the train times)... otherwise I would pop in an exercise video as soon as I got home.

    When you get home, can your little one have some toys out and play in the living room while you do an exercise video?
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I feel your pain. Not only do I have a 19 month old on the outside, I have a 24 week old son on my insides who likes to cause more trouble than his sister when I do my prenatal workouts. (Exercising safely, and monitoring diet under Dr. supervision)

    With my daughter, I tried letting her copy the t.v. when I workout which may entertain her for a few minutes but it doesn't last long. What works best for me, is exercising when she goes down for her naps. She takes about 2 a day still for at least 2 hours per nap. And if the house needs cleaning, I'll pick and choose when I want to work out and when I want to clean, so I have changes of pace within the naps.

    If your child doesn't take naps or just takes random naps that you can't plan for, put them in their crib with a very entertaining toy or two to show that they don't have to go to sleep if they're not tired.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have a three year old and I'm a newly single and working mom. At 5:00 in the morning I do Zumba, on my lunch break at work I run for a half hour, after my daughter goes to bed at 8:30, I do P90X, then I clean up the house and go to bed. It's possible if you are determined to do it. I figure I am not doing much else with my time, might as well be improving myself. I don't watch TV at all. If the house doesn't need cleaning, I'll sit down and read a book or something.
  • jenniferb973
    jenniferb973 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions. I'm going to start getting up earlier....and take advantage of a short workout during work. I wasn't trying to make excuses...I was really just trying to figure out how everyone else was doing it, because after a fulltime job, school, childcare, and house stuff....i'm beat. Thanks for the motivation as well.....I need to get some dvd's too....I think I have to ween myself into insanity lol. I just see myself hurting myself doing too much too soon lol.
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    Naptime!! I started working out when my youngest daughter was just 3 months old. Naptime is the only time I can get it done. Now that she is older and my other 2 are older too I can sometimes get a workout done with them awake but honestly its best to do it (for me) when they aren't bugging me. I do workout dvd's in the comfort of my living room :)
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi :smile: I have a 6 yr old (that I homeschool) a 4 yr old and a 9 month old. I don't work outside the home but I absolutely work! Lol! I do Jillian Michaels videos while the baby naps (the older boys know that it is Mommys time and they play quietly in their room) if I can't do that then I do it after they all go to bed, this is better for me than getting up early. NOT a morning person!!! There are times after a busy day I finally get everyone in bed and all I want to do is curl up with my hubby and watch a movie but I always make myself just do it! I am always glad I did!! I always feel better physically and mentally! If you are not a night person try getting up early while she is still asleep, no its not easy but it is worth it!
    Also go for a jog! Make sure she has enough to drink and is wearing light clothes. She will be fine. Sounds like you are a cautious mommy who pays attention to your little girl so try it and watch how she does. It was 86 degrees here yesterday and I was outside with my 9 month old for about 2 hrs, she was fine no problems!
    This is hard but it can be done! And it is soo worth it! You can do this! Good luck!! :flowerforyou:

    Its not excuses! Its the life of a full time, busy Mommy! I understand!
  • hhayes06
    hhayes06 Posts: 189 Member
    Is there an overlap when DH gets off work and before you go to work? Would he be willing to stay up with LO while you get a workout in? That's what I would try to do, have DH get LO fed and ready while you do your thing.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I have a 4 year old who is very active. Pinterest and youtube have some great videos on how to incorporate your kids into your workouts that may be beneficial. Also, if you are a member of a gym, some provide childcare. But, there is also getting the kids involved with the workout, too...Maybe let them do it with you to an if you are doing yoga, let her try, too.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Jillian Michael's keeps most of her DVD workouts to about 30 minutes-ish. The best one to start with is 30 Day shred, the workout is only 20 minutes long (warm up and cool down add on another 7 minutes. Also, Kickbox Fast fix is only 20 minutes including warm up and cool down. For the kick boxing don't get discouraged if you are a bit uncoordinated at first. After you do it a few times you'll start following the moves well. Also, each DVD has 3 separate workout and they are under $10 on amazon.

    My first child was a lot of work. I couldn't even run in the shower by myself, I had to prop her up in a bouncer and leave the curtain half way open so she could see me. My second baby was the opposite, so easy, she goes down reliably for naps in her crib. Even if your baby is like my first, perhaps you could just put em in a bouncer or exersaucer or [playpen whatever age appropriate restraining method you use (:smile: ) and let him/her watch you work out. My kids are now 2 & 4 and they love to just sit on the couch and watch me workout, lol.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I totally thought that said kidneys...
  • trace79or
    trace79or Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there I have a 3 and 18mth old and we are always on the go to preschool, horseback riding etc....We do Stroller Strides here in CA which is a group of Moms that workout together with jogging is very hot here but somehow with people in the same boat as you it is very motivating. Not sure if this is offered everywhere but you may want to look into it? We have done it on and off for three years and have met a lot of fun exercise buddies along the way:) Also on days when our schedule doesn't work with going to class I do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred which is only 20 minutes while the girls nap. My 3 year old is on the fence about napping now so sometimes I get out a mat and some resistance bands and she does the workout with me:) Hang in there mama.....I know it is hard but where there is a will there is a way:)
  • SabrinaLC
    SabrinaLC Posts: 133 Member
    I have three boys and have always been able to find time to workout.
    Whether it's 10 minutes here and there or full workouts.
    When I don't get the opportunity during the day, my husband watches them so I can get a workout in after dinner.
    If not then... I workout after they go to bed.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Three kids here: 5, 3, and 21 months. I cannot workout at home because I would have to wait until they're all in bed and even then, it sounds like I'm going to knock the walls down as we have wood floors. I tried an aerobic video once and yeah... the rug was sliding everywhere, house shaking...

    I go to the Y 6-7 days a week and train on the elliptical for 32 mins; also, I do strength training 3 days a week (with the exception of the pushpus which I do every day).

    Depending on your income, look into the financial assistance at the YMCA-- they will give you a membership rate based on your household income. Because I am the sole provider, I only pay $13 a month. That includes the free Childwatch while I am working out! I love it. :)
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    I have a 2 year old and the only time I can work out is my lunch break at work. It's not really ideal but there's no way I'm going at night (my only relaxation time) and I have to catch a train to the city in the morning.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I have an almost 10mo old and an almost 11yr old. I put the 10mo old on the floor with a bunch of toys, in her swing, in her jumpee, in her playard... while I work out in our corner of the house that's a home-gym. I lift/push/pull moderately to heavy weight for my size. I change diapers and warm bottles in-between sets. I put Nick on and she watches Spongebob, Dora... lol, yeah, I got her watching TV. It works! It allows me to workout!

    If I couldn't work out at home, I'd go to a gym with a daycare or drop the baby off with my mom. Somehow, there's always a way and no excuses for me really.

    ETA: currently a SAHM, but I managed to do it when my 11yr old was a baby with the full time job and school, too. At that time, my husband helped a ton. Friends and family will always help with the kiddos :smile:
  • allicyn
    allicyn Posts: 9
    Hi! I have 5 kids, 4 home with me during the day (my oldest is in K, and then we have a 4,and 2 year old, and 14.5 month old twins). I try to go running when my husband gets home from work, before dinner. If I want to do a workout at home (Like a Jillian Michael's DVD) I'll wait until nap time. The babies take a morning nap, so I'll do it then sometimes and my 4 and 2 year old will "work out" with me. If you really want to find time to work out, you'll find it. :) I used to wonder where I'd find the time to work out with 5 little ones, and then I realized I'll just have to do my jumping jacks with them. ;) Good luck!
  • x4mygirlsx
    x4mygirlsx Posts: 129 Member
    Hey I have 3 girls. (nearly 4yrs, 2yrs and 9 months). I work out when they are in bed. I do jillians 30 day shred. I also have a treadmill so have started c25k aswell. I also only allow myself to watch coronation street if im on the exercise bike. Im quite lucky all my girls go to bed ay 6pm and don't get up till 7am so I have plenty of time to exercise (but dont always have the energy after running around after the 3 girls all day.) Ive lost 60lb since my last daughter was born x
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    My children are all in school but now that summer vacation has started, I have to find the time to workout at home. DVD's are great and especially if it's something your little ones will do with you(I've been doing walk away the pounds and my 10 year old loves doing it with me.)
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I always found 30 minutes when my children were napping. I'd pop in a Leslie Sanson walking DVD, yoga, Tae Bo, whatever I felt like do, and crank it out.

    Now that my two are 5 and 2 and I homeschool' I do 30 minutes to an hour in the morning of kettleballs and walk and/or run before they get up and if they get up, they join me in doing cardio or my 5 year old will do toe touches and say the A B C.