Hi I'm Ashly

I've been on my fitness pal for a while but just now starting to adventure with it.

I've had great success so far in dropping body fat, I've lost total prob about 10 lbs with just using MFP for logging exercise, keeping up with meals and calories as well as weight logging to. Total though I've lost about 20lbs all together. I admit though I did gain few over the holidays but nothing I'm not burning off quickly.

My goal was to drop fat and build muscle. So gains aren't terrible as long as they're beneficial and properly working into my goals.

I went strictly Paleo about 2 months ago. Nowadays I do drift here and there but I mainly try to stay consistent with the paleo eating habits, and that's because I do feel better.

I exercise with cardio and weight training, mainly at home at the moment.

With supplements I take a super D vitamin, a probiotic, cod liver oil and vitamin C. I also swear by the the company RAW for protein shakes, so far it's the best I've found without synthetic additives that gives great results without heavy side effects.

So hope this finds you all well and useful. And best wishes in your goals!


  • I started Paleo on Monday after watching the paleo videos on Dr. Oz website and I have lost 4lbs in 6 days! I am super excited because I have been battling a cold so I haven't exercise but even with all that mess I still lost a ton of weight with very little effort. Ps. Can I add you for support and recipes?