
So I play roller derby, or lets say I did for the sake of this. I skated nearly everyday up until I moved cities. I got broken up with and had to move home and I think that I got discouraged. So I stopped skating started eating. When all of this happened, at my lowest I was at 172 lbs and a size 10. A size 10!!!! That's a big deal bc I don't remember ever being that small before. well I stopped everything in April and I slowly started gaining weight but I paid no mind to it. Well now its 10 months later and I am a size 16, and weigh 210 lbs. That's the most Ive ever weighed in my whole life. So I decided to diet and go back to roller derby, last night was my first night back and I expected myself to do so well and impress everyone. Boy was I wrong. I wanted to give up but the other girls kept pushing me. But my endurance sucked and I couldn't do things I used to be able to do. I am so disappointed in myself. Do yall experience having high expectations and disappoint yourselves when you cant meet them? I swear I felt like complete *kitten* and a laughing stock.